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  • Mushy Minds

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Jan 19, 2017

    We can't just "feel" our faith - we have to think, and it's time to take our Christianity seriously and renew our minds

    Mushy Minds TCF Sermon March 6, 2016 ---------------------------------- NOTE: the powerpoint for this sermon, which includes a video and visuals illustrating the message, is freely available at this more

  • Living As Exiles - Embracing Our Weirdness

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Jan 19, 2017

    What we believe and what we practice as those who are in Christ is strange to the world. Let's embrace it

    Living as Exiles – Embracing our Weirdness TCF Sermon January 3, 2016 Does anybody really make New Year’s resolutions anymore? It can be a helpful exercise, but for many of us, they just end up being a to-do list for the next week or two, that quickly falls by the wayside in the face of everyday more

  • Hell Is For Real

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Aug 25, 2016

    The gospel is good news, but is preceded by the bad news that we are lost in our sin, and hell is our destination apart from the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

    Hell is for Real TCF sermon text February 7, 2016 There’s the story of a man who went on a vacation to Florida from their home in Alaska. He arrives a day earlier than his wife, and waits for his wife to come the next day to stay with him. Well, this guy is technologically challenged, but more

  • Bought With A Price

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Aug 25, 2016

    we are not our own - as those who are in Christ, we are God's doulos - and that changes everything

    Bought With A Price TCF Sermon May 1, 2016 This is a dangerous message this morning, for at least two reasons – maybe more. Number 1, the theme of this message goes against the grain not only of our culture, but of our flesh, our selfishness, and of much of the church culture, too. Until more

  • Eternity Amnesia

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Sep 17, 2015

    We forget what the Word tells us about eternal life, and as a result, this amnesia leads to disappointment, dissatisfaction, and sometimes, poor choices

    Eternity Amnesia TCF Sermon March 10, 2013 An 85 year old couple, married almost 60 years, died in a car crash. They had been in good health the last ten years, mostly because of the wife's interest in a healthier diet. When they reached the pearly gates, St. Peter took them to their mansion, more

  • Lay Your Burden Down

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Sep 17, 2015

    We carry many burdens in our day to day lives, but the Word encourages us to cast all these worries on Christ

    Lay Your Burden Down TCF Sermon July 14, 2013 How can you tell when it's going to be a rotten day? Here’s a few leading rotten-day indicators: You wake up face down on the pavement. You see a "60 Minutes" news team waiting in your office. Your birthday cake more

  • The Paradox Of Pain

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Sep 17, 2015

    We rejoice in our sufferings, because God uses them in our lives and has a purpose for our good and His glory

    The Paradox of Pain TCF Sermon October 13, 2013 There is a Calvin and Hobbes comic strip that sums up what life often feels like, and I think even for us as a fellowship, it describes at least part of our experiences in the past few years. It’s a series of panels, each depicting a scene more

  • Scoundrels In Heaven

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Sep 17, 2015

    We tend to think of some people as almost unsaveable, but is that true? And when Paul describes a litany of sinners, he also notes that "such were some of you." Truly, there will be scoundrels in heaven, including you and me

    Scoundrels in Heaven TCF Sermon November 16, 2014 In the midst of preparing this sermon this past week, our brother in Christ, Mike Ferrill, went to be with the Lord. I considered what the best way to honor Mike’s memory would be – to preach what I’d already begun to plan, or to more

  • If We Ever Needed Each Other...

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Sep 17, 2015

    If we ever needed each other, as brothers and sisters in Christ, if we ever needed to be faithful to the fellowship of the saints, surely our current cultural environment means we need each other now.

    If We Ever Needed Each Other… TCF Sermon August 9, 2015 This morning, we’re going to talk about church, so I found a little church humor you might like: Top 10 Ways You Know You’re In A Bad Church 10. The church bus has gun racks. 9 . The church staff consists of Senior Pastor, more

  • Ripples (Part 2 Of Series) Series

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Feb 4, 2013

    The ripples of our life choices continue for good or ill, long after the splash of that choice was originally made.

    Roots, Ripples and Reference Points Lessons from the Lake, Part 2 TCF Sermon August 12, 2012 One of the things my youngest daughter Laura and I used to do, when we were at her grandparents’ lake house on Beaver Lake in NW Arkansas, is skip stones on the lake. There are a lot of stones on the more

  • One Another

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Aug 1, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The Word is full of "one anotherisms" leading to a spirit of unity and a bond of peace, but these must be rooted and grounded in the gospel lest they become mere moralism

    One Another TCF Sermon June 24, 2012 You occasionally read about churches or church members in various places who have battles over various things, some of which are important and worth debating, others clearly not. Unfortunately, Church feuds are not uncommon. They are bad enough when a few more

  • Vessels Of Mercy

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on May 9, 2012
    based on 2 ratings

    We cannot understand God's dealings with people apart from His mercy

    Vessels of Mercy TCF Sermon May 6, 2012 “Drink tonight. Feel better tomorrow. That would be a miracle. Well, meet a miracle.” That’s the advertising message for a drink which is marketed as a hangover preventative - it’s supposed to enable you to consume alcoholic more

  • Born On Easter Morning

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on May 9, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The early church, and the church down through the centuries, has survived and thrived, because its members were convinced of the reality of the resurrection

    Born On Easter Morning TCF Easter Sunday sermon April 8, 2012 Isn’t the end of Easter season a relief? You know, all the Easter presents you had to buy, and the debt it left on your credit card? The pressure of all the Easter parties – seems like a new one every night, so more

  • The Night The Lamb Sang

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on May 9, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus the sacrifice Lamb sang the night of His crucifixion. Why did He sing? What did He sing?

    The Night the Lamb Sang TCF Maundy Thursday Sermon April 5, 2012 Matthew 26:26-30 (ESV) 26 Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” 27 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks more

  • Defining Deviancy Down

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Apr 25, 2012

    Though true that sin is "out there, it's just as true that sin is "in here."

    Defining Deviancy Down TCF Sermon March 18, 2012 In 1993, a Democratic senator from New York wrote an essay for a educational journal. In this article, Daniel Moynihan argued that: “the amount of deviant behavior in American society has increased beyond levels the community can more

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