Batsell's church

Newberry Church of Christ
newberry, Florida 32669
(352) 472-4961

About Batsell
  • Education: Graduate of The University of Southern Miss with a bs in finance and a minor in mathematics. I attended Faulkner University in Montgomery, AL for two years before transferring to USM
  • Experience: I was the youth minister for the Owl Hollow congregation in Winchester, TN for two years. After that I worked with the Vicksburg Church of Christ of Vicksburg, MS also as a youth minister, and I am now the minister of the Newberry Church of Christ here in Newberry, FL
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I’m young, therefore i’m not sure how much wisdom there is within, but i can tell you this, that I write everything i preach and it all comes from my heart and I try to speak what i believe needs to be said
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Why I am a member of the Church of Christ
  • One of my favorite illustrations: Women lives in a house that is being flooded, cop comes by tells her to come with him the waters are coming, she says "no, God will provide a way". couple of days later the water is rising fast and its up to her front door, national guard comes by on a boat and tells her to come with them, again she says "no, God will provide" finally the water is up to her roof she’s standing on the point of the roof, a helicopter flies over and drops a basket attached to a cable and tells her to get in and they’ll pull her to safety, again she says "no, no, God will provide a way" the water continues to rise and she drowns. She gets to heaven and says to God, "God i waited for you to provide a way what happened???" to which he replies, "I sent you a car, a boat, and a helicopter, what more can i do?"
  • Family: I am 26, and I am single. Preaching seems to run in my genes. I am a fourth generation minister with two great grandfathers, one grandfather, an uncle, and a father who are or were ministers in the Lord’s Church.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: of course they love them, i’m there son what else would they say?
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She believe I am the best public speaker she has ever heard! (hint: read my family info again)
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: It’s not as easy as everybody thinks it is
  • Books that have had an impact: Financial Peace - Dave Ramsey Your Best Life Now - Joel Osteen (do not agree with him on many things but the book was very good) Apologetics books by Kyle Butt
  • Hobbies: Sports! I love to play any sports (except soccer) football, baseball, basketball, softball, ultimate freesbie, you name it i’m up for it! I also like playing cards, golfing (which i have been convinced is not a sport but rather an activity), the beach, traveling, snowboarding, grilling, youth work
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Be sincere in your christianity! if you’re not sincere, don’t pretend to be because others will see your are not genuine and you will do more harm than good
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: I was 15 and just beginning to preach, my father was a preacher so I would often use his outlines to preach from. Apparently this particular sunday I had not studied as well as I should have and before i know it i’m using an illustration that began with "right after i got married" and i froze, caught red handed! embarrassing at the time but pretty funny now
  • What I want on my tombstone: He truly loved God
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Newest Sermons

  • He's Just Giving It Away!

    Contributed on Jul 1, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    God has a gift for all of us, it’s more valuable than anything on earth and it’s free to those who will accept it

    He’s just giving it away! Intro: There was a preacher at a small church. He had been preaching there for some time and was discouraged by how disinterested the church was. Finally he had had enough of the unenthusiastic Sundays so he decided to write a sermon that would surely fire the members up. more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • There Was A Preacher At A Small Church. He Had ...

    Contributed on Jul 1, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    There was a preacher at a small church. He had been preaching there for some time and was discouraged by how disinterested the church was. Finally he had had enough of the unenthusiastic Sundays so he decided to write a sermon that would surely fire the members up. He began his sermon by more