  • Alison Bucklin

    Contributing sermons since Jun 23, 2006
Alison's church

First Presbyterian Church
Leadville, Colorado 80461

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Newest Sermons

  • Unstrained Mercy

    Contributed on Jun 27, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Unstrained mercy needs to be constrained by the same constraints that God himself recognizes: by wisdom, by justice, by the long-term, eternal good of the person you are trying to help.

    Every week it seems like there’s another new disaster. Wasn’t Hurricane Katrina enough, without adding Hurricane Rita to it? We were all so overwhelmed by the magnitude of those twin crises that many of us probably didn’t even pay much attention to the fires in California. After all, they more

  • A Healthy Appetite

    Contributed on Jun 27, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    The proper response to mourning over the reality of suffering and evil in the world, and the key to meekness, is not conquering desire, but learning to desire the right things.

    Are you one of the people who have been following the state of the Bronco cornerbacks’ hamstrings? Both Bailey and Alexander suffered injuries that kept them out of the Jacksonville game and snapped Bailey’s 99 consecutive-game streak, which is the longest in the NFL for a cornerback. However, more

  • Meekness Not Weakness

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Meekness is strength submitted in obedience to a higher duty.

    Do any of you remember the old musical Camelot, about King Arthur and the Round Table? It was popular back in the early 60’s, it’s one of the reasons the Kennedy White House started being called Camelot. The reason I bring it up is because of Lancelot. Remember Lancelot? Until he and more

  • It Begins With Mourning

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    A Christian cannot remain unmoved by the pain in the world.

    We’re all familiar with the term compassion fatigue. Do you suppose there’s a related phenomenon called disaster fatigue? We hadn’t even recovered from Katrina when Rita showed up on her heels. I have to confess that I’m tired of watching. But I, at least, have the luxury of being able to turn more

  • Toeing The Poverty Line

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Poverty of spirit - humility before God - is essential to authentic faith.

    Toeing the Poverty Line Over the past few weeks we’ve seen picture after picture of devastation and loss, desperation and helplessness. Responses have ranged across the spectrum from courage and compassion and generosity to greed, exploitation, and headline-grabbing. But one thing it has more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • The Prevalence Of War

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2011

    THE PREVALENCE OF WAR According to the statistics, there have 14,553 known wars from 36 BC to date. Since 1945, there have been over 70 wars and more than 200 significant outbreaks of violence. From 1958, over 100 nations have been involved in one way or another in armed conflict of some kind. more

  • What's Wrong With The World?

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2011

    WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE WORLD? When asked what was wrong with the world, renowned Catholic more