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In Video Illustrations: "spoken word"

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  • Champion

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Playback Media
    based on 11 ratings

    Sometimes winning doesn't look like winning. You can imagine the disciples' confusion when Jesus, their Champion, was nailed to a cross and died. He seemed to have lost. What they didn't see was that this was all a part of the plan. Death couldn't touch Him and he was crowned the Champion of all.

  • The Greatest Light (Christmas Intro)

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Playback Media
    based on 1 rating

    The night Jesus was born, a great light appeared in the sky. A light so powerful, that the worst things we had done had been exposed, cleansed, forgiven and forgotten. This is why Jesus came to earth; to give us this light, freely offered for all. This season is more than a time of gifts, nostalgia, memories and the warmth of friends and family. Christmas is about the greatest Gift ever given. A world in darkness has not only seen a great light, we’ve seen the greatest light. His name is Jesus. This powerful spoken word is a great reminder to share during your Christmas services.

  • The Battle

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Playback Media
    based on 15 ratings

    Lord, we need You. When the fascination of too many temptations pulls at our heart, when worry and doubt take over, we still know that You are good. Even in the ugly and even in the mess that has been made, you can help us begin again. Trusting you is the only way. You’ve won the battle and we trust in Your plans…. We trust in Your eternally capable hands. Use this powerful spoken word to uplift your congregation.

  • Mercy Never Fades

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Shift Worship

    Loosely inspired by one of John Donne's sermons, this illustrated, spoken-word mini movie encourages us to recognize that—unlike the seasons of planting and harvest in this world—God's mercy for sinners is never out of season for those who trust in Christ.

  • This Is Our God (Worship Intro)

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Playback Media
    based on 1 rating

    Begin your time of worship with this powerful intro that declares the powerful truth of God’s faithfulness and goodness. No matter who you are or what you’ve done, this message is for you; Our God, the God who knew each and every one of us before we were formed in our mother’s womb, desires to be close to us and if we open our heart to him, he will speak life into us. Encourage your congregation with this message, that even in the darkest of times, He is our protector and He is always with us.

  • The Word On Love

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Skit Guys

    There’s a different way to look at love, beyond words, sentiment, or a single day. Jesus showed us the most meaningful way to express love to people in our world. Use this video at Valentine’s Day or any time of year, when you want to focus on loving like Jesus.

  • Luke 23:50-53

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    The story of Easter is the basis for the Christian’s unending hope. Since Jesus overcame the grave, He gave us all we need to experience new life as well. Easter is a time of celebration because Jesus has risen! This Mini-Movie is based on Luke 23:50-53.

  • Promises Of God

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Playback Media

    This passionate and compelling spoken word shares the truth of God's promise for our lives. He promises to prosper us, to give us hope, strength and joy everlasting, and to be present at all times. Above all, He assures us that if we believe in Him, know His heart and desire a relationship with Him, that we will have eternal life. He came, lived, and died to give us this; the greatest promise. This mini movie serves perfectly as a worship intro, sermon bumper, or transition piece in any service.

  • Crazy Awesome Love

    Video Illustration
    Produced by James Grocho (Grochowalski)
    based on 38 ratings

    A powerful spoken word about the story of God’s greatest gift of all. How he sent his son to be punished on behalf of our fall. He chooses love to draw us near, love instead of fear. An inspirational film for Good Friday or Easter Sunday.

  • Another In The Fire Spoken Word

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Playback Media
    based on 17 ratings

    It’s inevitable. Darkness creeps in and reminds us that the enemy is near and it can make us feel like there is no way out. When that fire comes, and it will, we must remember what Power lives in us. God is faithful and he is with us, regardless of what might shake us now or what trials and tribulations await in our future. Use this powerful message to uplift, inspire and encourage your congregation.

  • Graves Into Gardens Spoken Word

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Playback Media
    based on 31 ratings

    It was Friday Afternoon and Jesus is Dead. This wasn't how it was supposed to be... the Hope of mankind overcome by powers of hell... by the shadow of a grave. But, instead of killing the Messiah, the cross has become a canvas for salvation. The hole that was meant to serve as an instrument of shame and death was instead filled with an instrument to bring healing and new life. That’s the way God is! Nothing is impossible with Him. He takes what is evil and turns it for Good. He has the power to take our graves and turn them into gardens. Use this new video made in collaboration with Media That Matters to share the Good News! Perfect for Easter.

  • Where Thankfulness Begins

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Freebridge Media
    based on 109 ratings

    This beautiful and powerful spoken word mini-movie is perfect for Thanksgiving or any service centered on thankfulness. Gratitude…in the everyday. This is where thankfulness begins.

  • She Is Everything (Mother's Day Spoken Word)

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Centerline New Media
    based on 4 ratings

    It is written, that beauty will flee, and charm will mislead, but a mother will always be, and do, and give, because she is...everything! Honor all the moms this Mother’s Day with this mini-movie featuring spoken word poetry by Shawndra Lucas, beautiful visuals, and inspiring music. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Now's The Time Spoken Word Video W/ Logo

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Outreach, Inc.
    based on 6 ratings

    This powerful spoken word video will energize and encourage everyone who sees it that "Now is the time" to come back to church, to get involved, to invite and to care for those around us.

  • In You

    Video Illustration
    Produced by James Grocho (Grochowalski)
    based on 18 ratings

    A fast, modern, uplifting spoken word that shows the mighty power of God and how we can reach the world with our actions and words. Perfect for a worship intro opener or to be played before the sermon.

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