Video Illustrations
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  • Try PRO

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  • Same God, New You

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media

    Our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. But there is something God wants to change: You! God wants to make you a new creation. The old is gone, the new has come. He is the same God, but we have been made new.

  • Invitations

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media

    All around us, people are searching—for meaning, purpose, love, and true community. Your church is searching to fulfill their calling to invite them into a life-changing relationship with Jesus. What happens when those searches collide? This light-hearted mini-movie is a compelling reminder that the need is great, and the mission is everywhere.

  • Reach Out

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media

    Each Sunday, your community gathers to reach out, to touch Jesus, to be healed and seen and given power, and to be saved. We all reach for the One who’s been reaching for us, believing the promise that if we come near to God, He will come near to us. Remind your church of this powerful truth as you open your next worship service, or intro your next message.

  • This Dust (Ash Wednesday)

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media
    based on 1 rating

    Ash Wednesday: a sign smudged upon our skin to remind us, we came from dust, and to dust we will return. But this story doesn’t end in ashes. Those hands that formed us from dust are the same hands that stretched out on the cross, the same hands that rose from that dusty grave. This reflective mini-movie is perfect for your Ash Wednesday and Lent services.

  • This Love

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media
    based on 2 ratings

    In this world we have distorted the meaning of love. This reflective mini-movie compares the world’s version of “love” to the perfect, immeasurable, everlasting love of God. Perfect as an intro to your time of worship, or to set up a sermon on love.

  • I Surrender All (Serve)

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media

    One of the main ways we follow Jesus is by serving each other, our community, and the world. Set to the tune of "I Surrender All," this mini movie works great to encourage your congregation to find opportunities to serve inside and outside the church.

  • How We Remember (Mlk Day)

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media

    As we reflect on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., encourage your church to remember how his efforts towards equality and justice were driven by a vision of freedom, joy, love, peace, kindness, and goodness. As we remember, may we slow down and ask ourselves how we can be a reflection of these ideals today. This powerful reflection on MLK and what he stood for is a perfect intro for worship, transition, sermon starter, or reflection piece.

  • This Light (Christmas Eve)

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media

    This Light is a powerful, contemplative mini-movie that illuminates the true meaning of Christmas through a poetic reflection on the coming of Jesus Christ. Perfect for Advent or Christmas Eve services, this mini-movie invites congregations to reflect on the awe-inspiring truth that the Light of the world has arrived—bringing salvation, joy, and a new day for all.

  • Gratitude Is A Choice

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media
    based on 1 rating

    There are so many things that are out of our control, but gratitude is a choice that we get to make. This Thanksgiving, as we gather together, let’s remember that no matter what may come, our words to Jesus should always be “thank You!”

  • Today, We Give

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media

    Today, we give. Not because we have to, or because God needs our gift. We give because we want to. We give because our treasures are not here on Earth, our treasures are with the Lord. Matthew 6:19-21. Set up a sermon on generosity, or prepare for a time of giving with this reflective mini-movie.

  • In Here Out There

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media
    based on 2 ratings

    What happens in here isn’t meant to stay in here. Our faith is meant for movement. We learn the story of God’s love in here, so we can tell of His love out there. This is the church, the body of Christ. We are a chosen people with a holy purpose. Use this mini-movie to encourage your congregation that what we do in here can change the world out there.

  • A Word That Speaks

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media

    A word that will stand apart, inked in love, and more perfect than life. This powerful video is a perfect worship opener, transition, or sermon bumper for messages about the importance of God’s word.

  • Names Of God (Hallowed Be His Name)

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media
    based on 1 rating

    God reveals himself to us in the Bible through a number of names, because the truth is, there isn’t just one name to describe all that He is to us. Hallowed be His name, the One who is worthy of our praise and the One we put our trust in. This mini movie serves perfectly as a worship intro or transition piece for your service.

  • Now Is The Time

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media

    Prepare for a time of praise and worship with this high energy worship intro. Now is the time to come together and surrender all to Him as you experience His joy in fellowship.

  • Welcome Home

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Hyper Pixels Media

    One of the great stories Jesus tells is of the prodigal son - who left on his own, but returned home to a loving father. This should be how first time guests feel at your church. Start your service with this warm and inviting intro that will connect with not only visitors, but members of the church as well.

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