By SermonCentral .com on Feb 6, 2021
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When you walk into a leadership opportunity, you go with a little bit of equity by virtue of your position. Every decision you make, and every risk you lead your organization to take will require an investment of some of your leadership equity (the trust people place in you).
By SermonCentral .com on Jan 2, 2021
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It’s not hard to get up and say something inspirational. It is hard to get up and rightly divide God’s Word, build a bridge from an ancient culture to our own, and then to call people to an appropriate response to God’s revealed truth consistently week after week.
By Carey Nieuwhof on Jan 13, 2021
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Preaching is one of the most demanding tasks required of communicators.
You’re not just giving a ‘talk,’ you’re communicating the Word of God—faithfully (you trust). And you do this in front of groups of people who have more communication options and sources than at any point in human history.
Not an easy task.
By Joe Mckeever on Sep 12, 2022
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Get out of the office, pastor, and knock on some doors. Later, you can get your people to do it. But first, you do it. Do it by yourself, if you must. Or take someone with you. Do it by appointment or cold-turkey. But do it. That is as profound a way as I know to build a great church.
By Jon Bloom on Oct 8, 2022
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"No one actually follows their heart. I know that sounds odd, given the prevalence of our cultural creed to "follow your heart." But if we think carefully about what the "heart" really is and how it functions, we will see that this creed doesn’t make sense, and why it ends up confusing and misleading people."
By John Gilman Ii on Aug 8, 2024
Small groups help churches grow because they help strangers become great friends. People stay at churches where they find friends because friendship covers a multitude of sins. Small groups involve us in others’ lives and really invest us in the church. These friendships eventually turn into deep, meaningful connections that can last a lifetime.
By Lance Witt on Mar 23, 2021
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There have been lots of days when I wanted to hide out in my office and not have to deal with anybody. There have been plenty of times when the people I work with weren’t on my heart, but they sure were on my nerves. I suspect you know exactly what I’m talking about.
By Lance Witt on Jun 30, 2023
based on 6 ratings
I know that on Sundays we walk into our churches, we smile, we shake hands, and we make nice. We pastor people and we preach from God’s Word. We are very respectable.
But I know myself and I’ve worked with pastors way too long to believe that life is that neat and tidy.
By SermonCentral .com on Jun 4, 2022
based on 2 ratings
Micah 6:8 exposes me: I can love abstract ideas of justice and kindness, and neglect their concrete expression. It admonishes me: I cannot “do justice” or “love kindness” without loving real people. It humbles me, which is just what the Doctor ordered, if I’m really ready to walk with him.
By Lance Witt on Oct 22, 2022
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What are you trusting God for? What are attempting for God’s glory that requires faith? Sadly, the more years people serve in ministry, the less risk-taking faith they demonstrate. We can begin to rely on our experience, our skills, and our planning to win the day. Yet, without faith it is impossible to please God.
By Lance Witt on Jul 26, 2023
based on 3 ratings
The truth is those of us in ministry often don’t do the friendship thing very well. One survey among pastors found that 70 percent do not have a close friend, confidant, or mentor. Henri Nouwen wrote, “Most Christian leadership is exercised by people who do not know how to develop healthy, intimate relationships.” What an indictment.
By Carey Nieuwhof on May 18, 2024
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"If you’ve been in ministry for any length of time, you know the challenge of trying to move the mission forward and handle the pastoral needs of a congregation at the same time. One of the most perplexing problems pastors and church leaders face is how to handle ‘pastoral emergencies’—the crises that come up in the lives of people that they look to you to help solve."
By Josh Reich on Nov 23, 2022
based on 2 ratings
"The number one complaint I hear from people is, “I don’t have time. I don’t have time for hobbies, sleep, my marriage, relationships, kids, reading my Bible.” You do, you just gave that time away. You give your time to the things that matter most."