By John Gilman Ii on Aug 8, 2024
Small groups help churches grow because they help strangers become great friends. People stay at churches where they find friends because friendship covers a multitude of sins. Small groups involve us in others’ lives and really invest us in the church. These friendships eventually turn into deep, meaningful connections that can last a lifetime.
By Lance Witt on Jun 26, 2023
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Culture is one of things that is hard to define but easy to feel. You certainly feel it when you visit a foreign country and you bump up against different customs and ways of doing things, but you also feel it when you enter a business or a church. There is a certain style or personality of an organization that is an expression of culture. I sometimes think of culture as the organization’s “way” of doing what they do. There is a Ritz Carlton “way” of doing customer service. There is a Starbucks “way” of doing business. There is a Crossroads Church “way” of doing ministry.
By Ron Edmondson on Oct 25, 2022
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"One struggle I’ve witnessed consistently with leaders – including this one – is we drown in information overload. There are more good ideas than we can ever implement."
By Ron Edmondson on Jun 4, 2024
"I try to never appoint or release a team to do work until we make sure a leader is chosen. They can choose their own leader, we can appoint one for them, or they may even have co-leadership, but there needs to be someone who has the assigned task of steering, motivating and leading the team to accomplish it’s mission."
By SermonCentral .com on Feb 6, 2021
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When you walk into a leadership opportunity, you go with a little bit of equity by virtue of your position. Every decision you make, and every risk you lead your organization to take will require an investment of some of your leadership equity (the trust people place in you).
By Charles Stone on Jul 26, 2022
Silos occur in organizations and churches when leaders act like their ministry or team is the only one that matters. A silo attitude results in that leader or team only supporting, giving, or attending functions that pertain to them. It can kill a ministry and result in many problems. In this post, I suggest ways to minimize ministry silos.
By Lance Witt on Jul 5, 2024
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"When your car is aligned, it runs more efficiently, creates less wear and tear, and operates more smoothly. The same is true in creating alignment and teamwork within our ministries. It takes intentionality; you never drift into alignment. People with skill know how to get down inside the organization and align its systems and structures to increase effectiveness, minimize wasted effort, and achieve greater health."
By Lisa Eifert on Aug 6, 2024
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All church ministries share one overarching purpose: Regardless of age, gender or race, they exist in service of God. However, just because ministries have overlapping agendas doesn’t mean the means through which to form them are the same. In fact, depending on the type of ministry, optimal organizational strategies often vary wildly.
Summer offers the perfect opportunity to focus on best practices for organizing one group in particular: the men’s ministry. Let’s count down five tips for forming—and sustaining—a vibrant men’s ministry within your church community.