Preaching Articles

Small groups help churches grow because they help strangers become great friends. People stay at churches where they find friends because friendship covers a multitude of sins. Small groups involve us in others’ lives and really invest us in the church. These friendships eventually turn into deep, meaningful connections that can last a lifetime.

Churches who invest in their small groups grow as a community as their people enter deep, godly friendships. Churches, who don’t, lose, shrink or stagnate because they don’t feel connected and move onto other places.

We have Facebook friends from across the world but few friends across our streets. Deep friendships don’t happen when we like a status. Friendships blossom in living rooms, on patios, around cups of coffee, and while working out. 

Small groups create friendships through conversations, prayers, meals, and studies of Scripture. Friendships emerge as we sit across from each other and talk. It’s hard to pray for someone without becoming involved in their lives. It’s impossible to talk with someone without learning about each other, and it’s tough to study the Scripture with someone and not appreciate God’s work in their life.

Many small groups do more than study together.

Small group leaders do the dirty work. They reach new people and connect them to the life of the church. Great churches support their small group leaders. The best small group leaders may not be the most organized. They might be great at gathering a crowd, but struggling organizing their events. 

3 Tools Small Group Leaders Need to Succeed

Online Small Group Databases. Even the best gatherer can’t reach everyone. Make it easy for people who aren’t connected to a small group to search for and find one. Let people know who’s leading the group, where and when it meets, and whether child care is available. Get the right information to the people who need it.

Online Group Calendars. Many groups serve together at homeless shelters, take a Saturday breaks at the lake, or help other on moving day. Churches can plan a few large events, but small groups can do many smaller events. Make it easy for them and give them digital resources.

Online Small Group Communication. Provide a platform to coordinate communication. Help them plan their meetings and events. Give groups the ability to self-manage who’s hosting, who’s bringing snacks, how others can help, and which volunteer opportunities are on the horizon. Give them secure ways to share prayer requests with the people who care most about them. Make it easy for them to message and email each other. 

No platform supports small group leaders better than Realm. It works on any device so everyone can get to it. It’s simple so anyone can use it, and it’s safe so those people who won’t get on social media don’t have to worry.

John is the Senior Director of Marketing and is chiefly responsible for Marketing’s overall corporate strategy and direction. He has traveled the world many times over working with some of America’s top brands and prominent non-profit ministries. John is passionate about helping the church make disciples.

Follow John on X at @ACSTech

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