By Ron Edmondson on Feb 6, 2023
based on 4 ratings
"Not that I seek the approval of man, but I wanted to be part of a church that would truly make a difference in our community, so much so that if we were gone, people would miss us."
By Michael Duduit on Apr 6, 2024
based on 3 ratings
Barna makes these observations: “Attracting churchless people to corporate faith usually requires more than a few incremental refinements in outreach strategy and tactics. This is about more than improved marketing and having greeters at the church’s front door."
By SermonCentral on Oct 30, 2024
In Matthew 9:37-38 Jesus tells his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
By Ron Edmondson on Feb 10, 2021
Whether it’s church planting or encouraging church revitalization and growth of an existing church – if God calls you to it, and you are faithful to the call – you’ll feel His pleasure upon your obedience and service.
By Glenn Packiam on Aug 22, 2020
based on 13 ratings
I have a hunch that if more of us preachers had to think about our sermons leading into a humble approach to the Lord's Table, we would end not with an empty challenge for people to "do better."