Preaching Articles

You make a dozen decisions a day.

Big ones like what your sermon series should be in the fall. Or little ones like who to have lunch with. Or what to do after you read this article.

How do you know what’s the right decision? What moves your church forward? What’s wasting time?

How do you sort through all that ministry-life puts on your plate to do the most important things? It’s a daily problem.

It would be nice to have confidence that you are leading your church strategically, wouldn’t it?

Here’s a solution I’ve worked out. See how it could help you be a more strategic pastor who does more strategic things to grow your church.

5 Ways to be a Strategic Pastor

1. Schedule prayer retreats.

It’s easy to forget how long it’s been since your last prayer retreat.

I know why not to go. It’s hard on your family for you to get away. It costs money. It takes time that you don’t have.

My friend Paul Becker is the founder and president of

Dr. Hal Seed is founding pastor of New Song Community Church in Oceanside, CA. In the past five years, New Song has seen over 5,000 people make first-time decisions for Christ. Hal is the author of Future History: Understanding the Book of Daniel and End Times Prophecy,  Jonah: Responding to God, I Love Sundays, The Bible Questions,  as well as The God Questions. Each of these books is being used in small groups and church-wide campaigns around the country.

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Johnny Prettyman

commented on Aug 27, 2017

This article is incomplete. Would like to see the rest.

Robert Goldenberg

commented on Aug 29, 2017

I found it at

Donald Ray

commented on Aug 27, 2017

I agree with Johnny. Is there any way to see the whole article?

Robert Goldenberg

commented on Aug 29, 2017

Here it is

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