By Joe Mckeever on Feb 23, 2021
based on 2 ratings
Consider these five reasons to be involved in the local association. I promise you that Christ will be honored, your church will be strengthened, other ministers will be encouraged, and most surprising of all, you will find yourself to be more fulfilled in serving your Lord.
By Charles Stone on Dec 13, 2021
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The ‘measure up mentality’ can suck the joy out of ministry. By applying a few simple ideas, you can stay positive and encouraged in your ministry even when you feel you don’t measure up in the eyes of others.
By Kent Woodyard on Apr 12, 2023
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While it is certainly encouraging to see an increasing number of churches taking advantage of online and mobile giving each year, the evidence found on thousands of church websites across the country reveals that we (as a collective body) still have a long way to go in this area.
By Peter Mead on May 7, 2024
Preachers speak, but we don’t talk about everything. If you are a preacher you may read this series and find some encouragement that you are not alone. If you know a preacher you may read this and find some understanding that you did not have before.
By Jeff Medders on Nov 16, 2022
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"I want to encourage every pastor reading this to keep preaching the gospel. Week in. Week out. Keep exalting, heralding, and lifting up our crucified Savior, risen from the dead, reigning in Heaven, saving all who will look to him and believe."
By John Piper on Dec 27, 2022
based on 4 ratings
My aim here is to encourage you to make “Christ-exalting” the featured adjective in your prayers. Let me explain what I mean. Then I’ll give you three reasons why I think this would be a great New Year’s resolution.
By Lance Witt on Feb 9, 2021
based on 4 ratings
I confess to you that I am a hurrier. I wish I had a dollar for every time my kids have heard me say in an agitated tone “Hurry up!” Sometimes I walk in a hurry and leave my wife behind. When I have to wait in line, or a flight gets delayed, or there is dead time in a worship service, or someone is telling a long story, I find myself internally saying, “Could you please hurry up?”
By Lance Witt on Jul 6, 2023
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Respect is a big deal to me. I am so blessed to have a wife who has always affirmed her respect for me. I can’t begin to tell you how life-giving that has been. Through the years as a pastor, the most consistent message I have given to wives is this…”Your husband can do without a lot of things, but the ONE thing he cannot do without is RESPECT.” It’s not just true in marriage, it is also true in leadership.
By Lance Witt on May 11, 2024
based on 3 ratings
"When it comes to our preaching, we live in the constant tension between pastor and prophet. On one hand, as pastors we want to encourage and care for the sheep. So, in our preaching we want to be uplifting and hopeful. On the other hand, as prophets we must sometimes say the hard things that the sheep don’t want to hear."
By Charles Stone on Nov 21, 2023
Several months ago I began something with our staff that has been a huge hit. It’s simple. Any staff can do it, whether in a church or a business application. And it boosts staff morale and excitement when we do it. I encourage you to try it with your staff. It’s called a “Blue Sky Thinking” morning.