By Skye Jethani on Jul 29, 2024
based on 17 ratings
Skye Jethani: "While a vision for serving God is needed, and the desperate condition of our world cannot be ignored, there is a higher calling that is going unanswered in many Christian communities."
By Barry O. Johnson on Sep 12, 2024
based on 2 ratings
Barry Johnson offers some helpful insights into the state of the Church in America, and offers a loving call for pastors to take bold steps of faith wherever God has planted them.
By Lisa Eifert on May 16, 2024
Getting kids to VBS is big step. It’s a great way to help kids during the vulnerable summer months and introduce new families to your church. Communication and promotion are key steps to ensuring your church reaches as many kids as possible. There’s a lot that can be done to promote it so remember to call on your teens and a powerful group message service like One Call Now.
By Chris Pascarella on Sep 20, 2022
based on 2 ratings
As pastors, we’re called to shepherd the flock (1 Peter 5:2). In fact, God holds us accountable for our shepherding (Hebrews 13:17). But what does it look like to shepherd?
By Jonathan J. Watson on Jan 8, 2024
With wars, terrorism, natural disasters, and persecution it can be easy for the church to batten down the hatches. But what has Jesus called us to do during this times? During times of tragedy, the Church's witness can be stronger than ever.
By SermonCentral .com on Mar 9, 2021
based on 1 rating
Two thousand years ago, Jesus gathered some ordinary misfits into a little community called the church. He trained them as his disciples, died for their sins, rose again and breathed life into them by sending his Holy Spirit.
By Dr. R. Kent Hughes on Jul 9, 2022
based on 3 ratings
Our ultimate trust is always in God's persevering grace, nevertheless, we are called to cultivate godly action in our lives. Here are 10 disciplines shared by a pastor with over 40 years of experience in faithfully serving the Lord and shepherding God's people.
By Brian Croft on Sep 6, 2023
based on 7 ratings
You may call it something different, but every pastor knows about it. It is the mental, emotional, and spiritual crash that takes place the next day (Monday) as a result of pouring your heart and soul out in the proclamation of God’s word to God’s people the day before.
By SermonCentral .com on Jan 2, 2021
based on 1 rating
It’s not hard to get up and say something inspirational. It is hard to get up and rightly divide God’s Word, build a bridge from an ancient culture to our own, and then to call people to an appropriate response to God’s revealed truth consistently week after week.
By Lance Witt on Jan 8, 2022
based on 3 ratings
If you have been in ministry very long, you know how easy it is to get the two intertwined. When you feel called and when you have great passion for ministry, the lines between person and position can get fuzzy. You move from simply being a Christian to now being a professional Christian.