
Summary: This is a body conscious world Many products to clean up, paint up, and fix up Makeup – Avon Great Concern about physical shape Diets abound Exercise clubs, ect The Christian has another dimension to this attitude The day you become a Ch

Your Body, His Temple

I Corinthians 6:19-20

This is a body conscious world

Many products to clean up, paint up, and fix up

Makeup – Avon

Great Concern about physical shape

Diets abound

Exercise clubs, ect

The Christian has another dimension to this attitude

The day you become a Christian, (The second you become a Christian) something happened to your body

That is the topic of this message

I. Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit

a. “What know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost?”

b. This reminds us of the temple in the OT

i. What great care was given to its design

ii. What immense wealth was place into its construction

iii. The people were to know that God dwelt there

c. Note the day of dedication of Solomon’s temple (2 Chron 7:1-3 & 12-15)

d. But there is no such place in the age of grace

i. This building in not God’s Temple

ii. This building is not even a church, just the place the church meets

e. Your body, God’ Temple:

i. Be careful where it goes

ii. Be careful what it does

iii. Be careful what it ponders

iv. Be careful how it reacts

II. The Holy Spirit lives with his temple

a. “Who is in you”

b. How can that be?

i. Something like the creation of man

ii. Another proof of the mystery of God

c. See how clearly the Bible bears out this truth

i. Jesus makes the promise (John 14:15-26)

ii. The Book of Acts describes it (Acts 2:1-4; 4:31)

iii. The epistles explain it (Rom. 8:6-17 / Gal 3:1-5 / Eph 5:18-25)

d. The result: The Holy Spirit is with you wherever you go

i. His power is available when you need it

ii. Every word and deed is in His view

iii. He is grieved at our inconsistencies

III. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to Glorify God in His Temple

a. The purpose of the creation of man

b. Stephen glorifying God in giving his life

c. Paul glorifying God in beatings and stoning

d. John on the Isle of Patmos suffering for his Lord

e. God can receive glory through your body & spirit

Surrender your body to the Lord

Glorify God in Daily Life

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