
Summary: You ever think about what you think about? Your attitudes are part of the battle of daily living.

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By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (YouTube: Wade Hughes) (Two part lesson)

How do you view things… It is said the average person has between 12,000 and 80,000 thoughts a day. Your attitudes, words and mindset are established by YOU! You choose what thoughts linger in your mind. It is up to you how your PERCEPTION and THINKING PATTERNS are. You decide to live: GOOD, BETTER, OR BEST

Growth? DO WE EVER EVALUATE AND HOLD OURSELVES ACCOUNTABLE FOR OUR WORDS AND OUR ATTITUDES? YOU CANNOT GROW WITH BAD ATTITUDES. Bad attitudes are like a flat tire. You can’t go far on a flat. You have to change the flat tire to travel.


The years from 1929 to 1939 are known as the GREAT DEPRESSION… The stock market crashed. The world trade collapsed. Government policies caused panic and the banks collapsed. There was little money available unless someone had seen ahead and had taken great care of their wealth. The GREAT DEPRESSION was the longest and deepest downturn in financial history.

There was a man that foresaw what was coming and he secured his vast wealth and funds that were not affected by the DEPRESSION. He had money and was able to continue as before. One of this BUILDERS friends lost everything. He had been very wealthy and had lost all his assets in one day. He lost his house, his cars and all his property. This broken friend considered suicide as many others had.

One day the successful and wise money manager heard of his dear friend’s total collapse. The man started praying and he felt like he should help. So the wealthy man went to the crushed builder and made an offer. He said I have 25 acres on the west side of town. I want you to BUILD ME A GREAT HOUSE in the middle of my land. The MAN TOLD HIS FRIEND SPARE NO EXPENSES. Nothing is too good for my house. After one week the owner of the property never came to visit the new building site. The owner sent a bonus check for his friend and the material. There was a note of appreciation with the check. The owner said build the best house ever in this county. The second week of work was finished. Still no visit from his friend. The man was very slow in building the house. He wanted to collect all the money he could. The first month of work the man used the best supplies he could find. After 4 weeks the worker thought he is not ever going to come and inspect this new house. The worker started cutting the edges and using cheap building materials. The owner would not know. Cheap stuff at high prices so the worker could make more money. After several months the worker knew the master would not come. Every week on Friday the check was delivered.

The work went on for several years. The worker was building the new mansion out of cardboard. He was so good with the cardboard and paint no one could see it was a cardboard house sealed and painted and it looked beautiful from the road. Again the owner never checked his friends work. Every Friday the wealthy man paid his friend and often included a bonus.

In 1941 the President declared the GREAT DEPRESSION WAS OVER. The builder friend could find work anywhere in the county. So one day the WEALTHY MAN HAD HIS CHAUFFEUR drive him to the brand new house. It was beautiful from the road. The rich man called his friend to come out to the road. For all this time he was rewarded with a wonderful salary. He told the owner HERE IS THE KEY, THE MANSION IS FINISHED. You can move in tomorrow. The wonderful owner THANKED HIS FRIEND FOR BUILDING THIS MANSION FOR HIM. The owner accepted the key and hugged his dear friend. They cried together how good God had been. The owner had a piece of paper, the deed to the property. The material of the house was to be the best material of the day. The owner cried and thanked his friend. The owner hugged his friend real tight and placed the KEY BACK IN HIS HAND. Then the owner said I have a beautiful mansion and land. I don’t need this mansion. FOR BEING SUCH A GOOD FRIEND I GIVE YOU THIS HOUSE. It belongs to you and your family.

The Chauffeur loaded the owner up in the limo. There were great tears in the eyes of his boss. There was tears in the eyes of the builder. He knew he was now the proud owner of a cardboard mansion. He could have had the best mansion in the area. He could have had a house that would last several hundred years. His children could have lived in the best that money could buy. BUT NOW THE TEARS FLOWED, HIS FRIEND HAD TRUSTED HIM. History would record a FOOL, A FOOL IN A CARDBOARD HOUSE… THE HOUSE BUILT ON THE SAND…

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