
Summary: We often find excuses to not gather and even if we do gather, we find reasons to not be involved in the work of the church.

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- What a long wait it has been! Let me begin by thanking you. You were willing to wait for us. You didn’t have to. You could have easily moved on to another potential candidate. Instead, you waited for us. For that we are entirely grateful.

- And let me add. We are so glad to be here. We have also been waiting in anticipation to be in Tulsa. My prayer for us is that you will allow me to work diligently to earn your trust. I will bring lessons of hope, joy, and the truths of God’s Word. I will also challenge us. Challenges to our faith, to our long-held beliefs, and to go to Scripture for the final answers. I will also challenge us to step up into being the kind of church that people want to be a part of. It’s going to take some work but I know we can get to work and be ready to get busy.

- Math has never been a subject that has made sense to me

o Story of my Sophomore year failing Algebra

o Sierra Bible Camp

o Inside Jokes

o “You Had To Be There”

o Age of social media -- …because when people are together, special things happen and we don’t want to miss out.


A. When Jesus entered a town, people gathered

1. They didn’t want to miss out on his next miracle (5000)

2. They didn’t want to miss out on his next parable

3. They didn’t want to miss out on his next teaching

a. Jesus would have to teach from a boat

b. Zacchaeus climbed a tree!

c. Today, we will find Jesus teaching in Peter’s house

B. READ Mark 2:1-12 (4 slides) & Exegete

1. Peter’s home

2. So many people

3. Tear open the roof

4. Sins forgiven controversy

5. Rise up and walk “We never saw anything like this”

a. Special things happen when people gather around Jesus


A. READ ACTS 4:23-31 (4 slides)

B. Exegete all of Acts 4

1. Peter and John arrested for preaching Christ crucified and resurrection

2. Released because they could find no fault

a. In fact, their works were shown with signs

b. To keep word of these things quiet

3. Peter and John could not promise to be quiet.

a. But they promised to continue to preach

4. The believers praised God together

a. The place shook

b. Filled with the Holy Spirit

c. Continued to speak the Word with boldness

d. I want to be that kind of church!

a. Singing the roof off

i. Have you ever been part of a singing like that?

b. Hearing a message so powerful

i. Who is your favorite preacher? Why?

ii. Bold message/Powerful message

c. I want people to say, “You had to be there!”


A. We need to be the source of boldness in our culture

1. We are called to proclaim the truth

a. Communion is our bold proclamation – 1 Cor 11

b. The world would rather we not speak out about these things because it runs counter to their values systems

2. Just this week, we had the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. This was a ruling that has certainly made waves in our nation. Honestly it is something I never thought I would see. I believe life begins at conception and we have evidence of that in Scripture. Today, we must proclaim truth even when it is difficult to hear and difficult to speak up about. This is not the end of our churches being bold. There are other issues we must proclaim the truth about.

B. We cannot give up meeting together

1. Our gatherings are special

a. This is where we encounter the Holy Spirit and are filled

b. This is where we build each other up to have the strength to encounter the world

2. Largest gatherings in the world

a. Religious Festivals

a. Arbaeen – Muslim (17m Iraq)

b. Kumbh Mela – Hindu (30m in one day—120m overall)

b. Funerals

a. Ayatollah Khomeini (10m – 1989)

c. Musical performances

a. Video: France 1000 musicians play “Smells Like Teen Spirit”

3. Isn’t our purpose, our message better?

a. Yet we often find excuses to not gather and even if we do gather, we find reasons to not be involved in the work of the church.

b. Jesus Christ is the best reason to gather and we should always show that we care about it.


A. Let us be together to disciple one another

B. To worship and tear the roof off

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