
Summary: It is a meditation on the illustrations...just a reworking of the basic concepts into the venacular.

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As we read through the gospels we regularly are told that the good news of God’s kingdom is for those, “who have ears to hear, and eyes to see.” And what a great challenge and opportunity that is: to see the world from a fresh perspective and hear it make music in our souls.

In today’s scripture, Paul doesn’t say that we ought to see people the way God sees them (as though this special way of seeing were somehow optional to the Christian faith); he simply makes the assumption that seeing people from God’s perspective is foundational to who we say we are.

=Christians are a people who see beyond outward appearances, and look for the potential that lives in the heart of every woman, man, and child.

=Christians are a people who are focused more on what may be than on what has been.

=We are a supernaturally progressive people.

=Where others see obstacles, we see opportunities.

=Where others see failure, we see the garnering of experience and the development of wisdom.

=As a people we Christians are captivated by the concept of a whole new world with new ways of thinking and being and seeing and doing.

=We are not confined by the categories of history and experience: nationality and ethnicity, sexuality and marital status, wealth and age and politics and every other issue that might serve to separate us from one another’s regard have no hold on us.

=Christians look beyond the mirage of both saint and sinner.

=As followers of the Lord Jesus, we are bound only by a grace that enables us to see that we belong to one another and to God and to the new world that, by grace through faith, is being created.

When we fail to see others through the lens of sacrificial love and hope and faith, then we fail to be Christian. Judgment and division and condemnation are the tools of the Enemy of our faith, and for God’s sake (and ours), we need to let them drop out of our hands; they belong to the old way of doing things. We belong to the perpetual dawn of the new day.

Faith and hope and love. Faith and hope and love. Faith and hope and love. Over and again these three great virtues of our common faith circle back to encourage us to leave the past in the past and to embrace the possibility(s) of what tomorrow holds.

=By faith, we trust that God is at work in all things for the good of all.

=By hope, we believe that all of humanity may become better than we have been.

=By love, we treat others with all of the dignity, respect, graciousness, and care that is due to a child of God.

This does not mean that we are blind to injustice and unrighteousness. It simply means that we refuse to allow temporal events to ultimately define a human heart: ours or anyone else’s. We have confidence that even the darkest hearts may change for the better in the light of grace. We have confidence that there is often more going on in any particular circumstance than what may appear to the casual observer.

When we embrace the vision of God for others, we embrace the mystery of time and circumstance. We allow others the dignity of mystery. Have you ever thought of it that way? Whenever we decide that we have another person “figured out,” we deny them the essence of their humanity. To define one another (demystify one another) is, in ways both small and great, to debase one another. Classification is oppression: subtle or otherwise. And so we must constantly be on guard against racism, classism, sexism, nationalism, ethno-centrism, ageism, provincialism, and any other -ism that threatens to deny us the God-given complexity in the mystery of our souls. The Christian faith demands that we always hold on to the possibility that any given person is more than what we may be able to discern.

Our Lord was seen to be a helpless infant born in a barn, raised in a backwater, abused by his people, and cut down in shame before his time, but we see in him so much more.

=Many saw weakness, but we see strength.

=Most saw a carpenter, but we see a king.

=Some witnessed human disgrace, but we witness divine compassion

=Many saw his death, be we see in him eternal life

=Most saw a child of Mary, but we see the Son of God.

v. 16. Once Christ was seen from a worldly perspective, but we know better.

We know better about Jesus the Christ and so we should know and believe and hope better for Sam the butcher, and Joe the baker, and Bob who works down at the candlestick factory…We know better about Jesus the Christ and so we should know and believe and hope better for Susie the homemaker, and Mary the doctor, and Tina the accountant…Because we know better about the Jesus the Christ, we should know and believe and hope better for all those who are currently defined by station, circumstance, addiction, disease, and/or disability.

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Verlarina Verlarina

commented on Jul 18, 2022

I see it precious brother and I do my best to live it everyday may it ever be so everyday. Thank you for reminding us of the great gift of God's love for us and how much he believes in US! Whereby we can believe in one another and share that great love with concern and true compassion and empathy. I have hope for what I do not see in fact it's contrary but that's where God comes in and that's where we come in thank you thank you my friend

Verlarina Verlarina

commented on Jul 18, 2022

I think I'll read it again and let him bless my soul!

Verlarina Verlarina

commented on Jul 19, 2022

I am so blessed to know and believe these truths, thank you again! Please post more sermons!

Verlarina Verlarina

commented on Apr 7, 2023

Blessed again brother have you read it lately?

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