
Summary: God calls us to true and meaningful praise. He deserves enthusiastic worship from his people, and this should be our hearts’ desire for Him.

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1. Some say worship is not what it used to be. In the past, there seemed to be a greater emphasis on worship.

A. Years ago, there were many more “meetings” in a given month than there are today, with far more people in attendance. The services were longer, sometimes lasting for several hours.

B. Revival services ran for two weeks when I was a child and I’ve heard of revivals that ran for eight weeks!

2. Some say worship music is not what it used to be. In the past, it was simple and traditional: there was none of the so-called “contemporary” music we struggle with today.

A. When it comes to music in worship, some prefer traditional, others contemporary, others prefer a blend of the two.

B. In the last several years, statistics suggest that these differences cause many fellowships to disband, or split. In fact, the #1 reason for church splits is the choice and style of music in the worship service.

C. It seems that many have lost touch with true worship, and have begun to focus on their own interests and desires instead of praising God. Lucky for us, we have Ps 100.

3. Psalm 100 offers believers a solid discourse on true worship. With WORSHIP as his theme, the Psalmist breaks this short poem into two distinct parts; [1] the call to praise and worship God, and [2] the reason God is worthy of our praise. Let’s look at this passage together as we seek God’s desire and expectations of us as we worship him.


1. Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth (100:1)

A. The psalmist calls the people to enthusiastic worship. Have you ever tried to shout without enthusiasm? It’s impossible! Imagine coming into a worship service where the people shout their praises to the LORD!

B. The shouts of the people are to be shouts of joy; the praise that comes from the mouths of the worshippers is to reflect God’s magnificence and it’s resulting joy.

2. All the earth means that worship and praise is due from everyone and everything. People of the ancient world believed that even the plants and animals of nature praised God through their beauty.

A. They believed that birds and animals vocalized praises while plants and trees displayed them through their beautiful appearance. This helps us to understand the psalmist declaring that all the earth should shout for joy to the LORD.

3. Come before Him with JOYFUL songs.

A. Notice he defines the music as neither traditional nor contemporary; he does not say the songs should be sung with or without accompaniment. He simply says they should be joyful songs.

4. Worship the Lord with gladness.

A. Bring your best to worship; don’t bring half-hearted praise, but full devotion! Leave the world and its cares, its disappointments and its pratfalls behind you.

B. Leave the world behind and focus on Him; don’t be distracted; give Him your undivided attention. When it comes to preaching, focus on the message, not the messenger. The messenger is a sinner saved by grace, just like you. His message is of God.

5. Know that the Lord is God.

A. The psalmist reminds his listeners that the LORD is the one true God. Unlike the pagans who worshipped many gods of wood, stone and bronze, Israel worshipped the God of the Universe; the Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer of all things.

B. Such knowledge should change Israel’s attitude in worship. It should change ours, too! When we come to him for worship, we know that our efforts are spent on the One who alone is worthy of worship!

[The psalmist turns his attention to the second part of his discourse: reasons to praise the LORD.]


1. It is He who made us, and we are His. . . (v. 3b)

A. To whom should we give our praise but to our creator? He has given us everything we possess, every gift we possess. We are “fearfully and wonderfully made” in the Creator’s own image. We did not create ourselves, and are powerless apart from him.

2. We are the sheep of His pasture (v. 3c)

A. No one cares for the flock like the shepherd. In the days of the psalmist, shepherds cared for sheep as parents for their own children! They loved, nurtured and protected them, fed them and bound their wounds. (cf. the 23rd Psalm – the ultimate shepherd)

B. This describes God’s care for his people; he, too, protects and nurtures us. We are the sheep of his pasture; we have every reason to praise him!

3. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever (v. 5)

A. God’s love knows no limit. This is personal testimony from the psalmist and reflects something that the entire nation can affirm.

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