
Summary: Something beautiful happened when the living creatures began to worship God. Heaven came alive (to life), and all of heaven joined in to worship God. All of heaven was in one chorus worshipping God. All of heaven joined in a song of praise and adoration to God.

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Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne. Revelation 4:9-10

Something beautiful happened when the living creatures began to worship God. Heaven came alive (to life), and all of heaven joined in to worship God. All of heaven was in one chorus worshipping God. All of heaven joined in a song of praise and adoration to God. The tune Holy, Holy, Holy resonated in the heavens. Heaven sprang to life, and every creature joined the symphony of living creatures. Created beings began to revere and worship the Creator for who He is. Everyone in heaven was busy at work when the worship of living creatures interrupted it. Heaven has joined the chorus singing "Holy, Holy, Holy, are you Lord"... What a stunning sight to see. All of heaven sings together in a single voice in praise of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Seeing this awesome sight, Apostle John might have been filled with overflowing joy.

He might have also joined heaven in singing, "Holy, Holy, Holy". Worship of living creatures was so contagious that everyone joined in and were caught in worshipping God. The 24 elders sat on their thrones (near God) until living creatures began to worship God. When the living creatures began to worship God, the 24 elders fell facedown to worship God. What's so amazing about the living creatures worship that the 24 elders fell down and heaven started worshipping God? The worship of living creatures caused the 24 elders to fall face down and worship God. Worship of living creatures caused everything in heaven to come to life and worship God. What was the reason, and what happened when living creatures worshipped God? The answer may be found in the following vision.

In a vision, God took a young man to heaven and leads him to an auditorium where God sat on his throne, surrounded by 24 elders, living animals, and angels. The scene was stunning and magnificent. God was the most dazzling entity among them all. He was shining in dual colours: emerald and silver, and the intensity of his brilliance was like fire. God's Glory or brightness radiated and shone with the intensity of fire.

When the living creatures began to praise and adore God, God on the throne shone or radiated even more brightly that the entire auditorium gradually filled with His Glory. As the living creatures praised God, God on the throne shone or radiated more and more brightly. The light, brightness and intensity increased until the entire place was saturated with God's Glory. Before the living creatures began worshipping, the 24 elders were seated on their thrones. When the living creatures began to worship God, looking at such greater radiance or brightness of God’s Glory the 24 elders fell face down. Worship brings/draws a greater radiance or brightness of God's Glory. The adoration of living creatures caused the 24 elders to see a greater Glory of God.

24 elders were unable to withstand or sustain the light (so much radiance) of God's Glory that they fell face down. They were astonished or awestruck by God's glory. They were sitting on their thrones, but as the living things worshipped God, God's Glory shone so brightly that they were struck, stunned, or awestruck, and fell facedown. The 24 elders started worshipping along with the living creatures.

It was as if 24 elders had an encounter with God's Glory as living creatures worshipped God. As the living creatures worshipped God, the light and intensity of God Glory grew brighter. Heaven came to life when the living creatures began to worship God.

Maybe the living creatures lived so near to God that they couldn't help but praise and worship God. They may have become caught in wonder of who God IS and burst forth into worship - "Holy Holy". Every time they see God, they see a different facet of God because of which they are stunned and burst forth in a new song. Maybe the living creatures could be a singing a single song without any pause or stop or a repetition for the past millions of years.

Maybe the living creatures sang a single song with numerous verses, none of which were repeated. God has so many wonderful attributes and natures that singing about them in a single song (without repetition) might last for millions of years. There worship might be happening for the past million years and if it continues for next million years, it is still not sufficient to completely ascribe Glory due to God’s name. That is why they do not rest but continue to worship God forever and forever.

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