Worry -A Sin Of Waste
Contributed by Howard Gunter on Mar 4, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus admonishes us to put aside worry and put FAITH in God!
Weekend Message/Devotion
March 3, 2019
Communion Sunday
Matthew 6:24-34
Certainly, you have heard it said many times about any number of scenarios, “that’s easier said than done”.
Jesus has just said in verse 24: “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other, You cannot serve God and mammon.
Mammon? What is mammon? Let me encourage you to just type that word into your browser and see the definitions and their sources that popup.
I like best the Cambridge English Dictionary definition: “the force that makes people try to become as rich as possible and the belief that this is the most important thing in life”
It is easy to see mammon as a sought-after god. Riches and even basic material comfort can become a god to anyone who seeks same as a number one priority.
So, Jesus says in verse 25 – (not a direct quote but how I see His words) ‘That’s why I am telling you 1) don’t worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; what you will put on. 2) Look at the birds of the air, they don’t store up foodstuffs in barns and storehouses; yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
3) Aren’t you more valuable than the birds? 4) Which one of you can grow by worrying?’
The birds migrate for the foods that God provides. They just do it! Birds fly South in the winter and back North in the Spring. Why? No, not because they seek the warmer climate, but rather because in that warmer climate foodstuffs are more readily available. Not only by God’s provision but the ability to fly great distances is also God’s provision.
God gave you and me skills and abilities. We may not fly or travel distances for food but we may have to exert ourselves, in ways that God provides. Jobs and part-time jobs abound yet somehow pride just gets in the way of waiting tables, stacking inventory, mowing lawns, etc. when we have grown accustomed to “cushy” jobs.
God does provide.
The same thing applies to clothing. God clothes the entire globe and quite beautifully, I might add. He also provides clothing for us. If we are lacking, there are places where clothing is available. Have you ever shopped at a “Thrift Store?” Would you be embarrassed to be seen shopping at a thrift store. If your church or any church became aware of a need and offered you a little help, would you see that as God at work or feel like you were the object of pity?
Hear these words from our Lord: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
Do not cast aside the joy of today in worry about tomorrow. Today’s reading says to me that to do so is sinful.
How can God know that we TRUST Him? How can God know that our FAITH is in Him? How can we possibly think God would not be aware that we put our needs and desires in higher regard than in Him?
Easier said than done? Really? Is it really a more joyful and productive life without God?
Let us pray -
I humbly and sincerely ask for your prayers!
Note: It is the practice of this church to preach straight from the bible. We follow the lectionary assigned readings from which the sermon/messages are derived.