
Summary: A message to encourage people to look at the limitless of God.

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Why Not?

Ephesians 3:20-21

(August 26, 2001)


Our time this morning will be centered on just a two-verse passage. But these two verses are filled with a ton of encouragement.

The verses are sort of tacked on to the end of some words from Paul who tells the Ephesians how he is praying for them.

He talks about how he wants God to show the Ephesians how wide and long and high and deep God’s love is. He prayed that they would be strengthened with power through the Holy Spirit.

But how could He pray this? Because He was aware of the glorious riches of God, and, as we see in the verses at the center of our discussion this morning, His power as well.

Please follow along as I read our passage this morning.

I have printed it in your bulletin, so you will not have to look it up in your Bible if you don’t feel the need.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

My purpose this morning is to promote an attitude of excitement for what I believe God can and will accomplish in us as individuals and a church, and therefore what He can and will accomplish through us to bring people to Himself.

To do that I want to focus on three things about God that Paul points out.

The first of these is…

I. His Power.

God is a big ol’ God. He’s not some wimpy God. He’s the real deal. He’s almighty, and He’s all-powerful.

Look back at verse 20:

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us

You cannot think of anything that He is unable to do inside of His character. The only things God cannot do are such things as lying, cheating, stealing, whatever. He cannot go against His character.

Aside from this, God can do absolutely anything. He can move mountains. He can set and remove kings and presidents.

He can control the weather. He can give and take life. He can grant honor and He can bring people down.

He can grant wealth or bring poverty. He can bring feast or famine.

He created the heavens and the earth. And while Carl Sagan could only estimate the vastness of the heavens, God holds them in His Hand. And He can do with them as He pleases.

The point here is that…

*He is able.

It gives me encouragement. It gives me comfort. It gives me security. It gives me optimism that God can handle it and is in control.

And it gives me hope for today and the guarantee of heaven when I die.

He is powerful. Beyond our wildest imaginations.

And so when I am convinced that God wants to accomplish things through this body of believers, I get excited!

My job isn’t to make those things happen, my job is to be usable so God will allow me to be there when it happens.

I have told you time and time again that I am convinced God wants to use Aberdeen Wesleyan Church to reach multitudes of people for Christ.

And instead of looking at present circumstances, or at my situation, or whatever, I choose to look at the power of God and I ask, “Why not?”

His power makes it possible.

Along with His power, let’s take a look at…

II. His Partners.

Verse 20 says that God is able to do His wonderful work according to His power that is at work within us.

For the purposes of all-powerful God to be accomplished, He has chosen to use weak vessels like you and me.

And without His working within us, it would be hopeless. Yet God has provided for our needs in equipping us to be His servants.

He provided not only His Word, but also His Holy Spirit so that His Word could have maximum impact in our lives first, enabling us to be wise in how we reach out to those around us.

He worked to bring us out from the punishment we deserve for our sins, and not only gave us a place in heaven, but made us new creations in Him so we could radiate the power of God to change lives.

The point here is that…

*He works in us so we can work for Him.

We can be filled with the same power and knowledge Paul wanted for the Ephesians.

There is no reason we cannot share in the same wonderful blessings given to these people.

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