
Summary: It's a communion message addressing thew question, "Why DSo We Have Communion?"

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Communion Sermon

- Read 1 Corinthians 11:24-34

Why do we have communion and why do we have it so often?

There is nothing in the Bible that tells us how often we are to serve communion, or the Lord’s Supper. Many believe that in the first century, they served the Lord’;s Supper every time they met. For that reason, some churches continue to do so today. Others serve it less frequently, as we do.

The church I attended as a child served communion once a quarter. Right now, we usually serve it once a month. But, why do we we have communion? We serve it for 4 reasons.


1. We celebrate communion because Jesus told us to.

First, we celebrate communion because Jesus told us to. In this passage, Jesus says, “This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”

This passage indicates that Jesus expected us, even commanded us, to share this meal on a regular basis. Wow share this meal because Jesus commanded us to.

2. Second, we share this mea because it is a reminder meal. We humans have terrible memories. Go back and look at the history of Israel. They would follow the Lord for a while, then they would forget what disobedience cost them, and they would start living like the rest of the world, forget the Lord, and He would have to discipline them. They would get things back in shape and the Lord would begin to bless them again.

Go back and read 1 and second Kings. It happened time after time after time. We are a forgetful people.

My word, look at our own country right now. How many people have forgotten that this nation was formed as a Christian nation? The only reason we have made it this far is because God is a gracious God.

Turn to someone near you and tell them, “You sure are forgetful.”

We are a forgetful people. Shoot, I often can’t remember why I walked into a room. I’d forget my head if it wasn’t attached. This morning Gladys wanted to turn off the water in the kitchen sink. So what did she do? She walked into the kitchen, grabbed the remote, and turned off the lights under the cabinets.

We are a forgetful people.

2 neighbors were talking about what they had done the previous night. One of the men said that he and his wife had attended a lecture that told them how they could improve their memories. The neighbor asked, “Well, who taught the class?”

In response the friend asked, “What’s that flower, that’s so pretty? People often grow it and give it to each other and it has thorns? You mean a Rose”? “Yeah, that’s it.” “Rose, what’s the name of that guy we went and saw last night?”

Jesus said, “Share this meal so you will remember.”

There are 2 primary things Jesus wants us to remember.

3. We share this meal to remember there is nothing we can do to earn salvation.

We humans often think that we have to do something in order to earn salvation. I’ll attend church, or I’ll pray, or I’ll give money to the church, or I’ll help people, or I’ll do something in order to earn my salvation.

So Jesus gave us the bread. He said, this bread is My Body which is given for you.”

My friends, when Jesus died on that cross, He paid the entire price for your sins. There is nothing you can do to add to what He has done. There is nothing you can do that will take a way from what He has done.

> Isaiah 53:5-6 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

Back in the first century, when someone was crucified, they would place a sign over the criminals head that would say what crime the person was being punished for. Over the head of Jesus there was a sign which read, “Jesus, King of the Jews.”

Oh, but in writing only our heavenly Father could read were written the words, “The Sins of Gene Gregory.” And written there also was your name as well.

My friend, Jesus died to pay the price for your sins and mine.

> Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

We are saved by the grace of God. Not because of anything we have done nor, because of anything we will do.

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