
Summary: The Bible clearly supports and expects Christians to be a part of the church. Church is a community of believers who come together on the Lords Day to worship God and to support each other. Scripture does not show Paul, Silas or Peter going into a city ju

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Opening - Video Clip: The church matters (bluefishtv)

Remind the church of the $12 commitment: A spiritual mile marker moment

How are you doing with the $12?

Have you doubled it? Done nothing with it? Buried it in the ground? Or found a way to multiply it for the Kingdom of Heaven?

New spiritual mile marker for the month of June – “The Church 12” – 12 reasons we need The Church.”

The Church 12 – 4 part series

"The Church who needs it?"

Opening Scripture Text: Hebrews 10:19-25:

19Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, 20by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body,

21and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. 23Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Thesis: The Bible clearly supports and expects Christians to be a part of the church. Church is a community of believers who come together on the Lords Day to worship God and to support each other. Scripture does not show Paul, Silas or Peter going into a city just to make believers and then after conversion sending them home to be lone ranger believers instead these new believers - the disciples of Jesus started churches. They united together to worship, to fellowship, to serve the Lord together, to help each other and to spread the Message of Jesus.


A while back I was talking with a disgruntled Christian and they hit me with this question:

“The church who needs it?” The statement was a question with a whole lot of attitude making a bold statement about the Church. They were talking about Jesus’ Church – not my church – or your church but His Church. The question was filled with hurt and very pointed they were justifying why they no longer needed to be a part of The Church.

This encounter had me go into prayer and meditate about the meaning and the importance of The Church. So I researched the Bible to remind me of why The Church is here and what she is designed for.

I hear a lot of comments from some Christians who have chosen not to be a part of The Church today. I heard some of the following excuses this last weekend at a wedding I attended in Minnesota: I work Sunday and listen to preachers for my church, I have given up church for the benefit of my family - I need to provide financially for them so I work Sunday's. I got hurt at a church and will never go back! The church is not relevant to me. The church is filled with hypocrite’s. Wow! I thought so many excuses - I wonder what Jesus would say to these comments about the Bride He died for?

As I sat back and observed this wedding I saw no mention of God – no mention of a Covenant relationship with Him at all between the bride and groom. I heard how their marriage needed to be rooted in love – I thought you cannot have love without God because God is love. I also wondered how a person could walk away from one of God’s great creations The Church. It is as beautiful to God as the mountains and the oceans are to Him. It is His pride and joy! He chose to die for it!

I know this perception of church is one usually expressed out of frustration, anger, bitterness or even hurt at once being involved in a church. Some come up with these excuses because they need to justify to themselves why they have rejected Jesus Church.

I stopped a few years ago to encourage someone who had left the church . This was the response I received from that person for asking her why she gave up on church. “God is everywhere! I don’t need to go to church! Church is people helping others and most churches fail to do that!” She said. I agreed with all that this person said. But I also reminded her that Jesus established the universal church and the local church. Just go read the New Testament and you will see that God’s desire is for people to be involved in the local church because the local churches make up the universal church. Just read the book of Revelation the first few chapters stress the roles of the local churches. It also reveals their divine mission.

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