
Summary: The Holy Spirit is the most neglected part of the Trinity today and we need to allow the Holy Spirit to arise within us, to empower us to be God’s dynamic witnesses to this dying and deceived world.

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Summary of the first 12 spiritual mile markers for this year:

January 2012 – 12 minutes of prayer: 12 meals, 12 minutes of prayer for our 21 day time of prayer and fasting.

February 2012 – 12 minutes of Bible reading a day and you can read the Bible through in a year.

March 2012 – 12 ways to invite: 12 people, 12 ways to invite someone to church. Re-highlight the pens and the cards to continue inviting people out to church.

April 2012 – 12 new connections for discipleship: 1 person - 1 time a month - 12 meetings this year for the purpose of discipleship and or make 12 new connections with unsaved people this year for the purpose of future discipleship.

May 2012 – 12 dollars - This month’s spiritual mile marker challenge is to be wise Stewards of the resources God has given us in our life – we do this financially by tithing, and by giving offerings. We also do it by using our gifts – our talents and our time for the Kingdom of Heaven. We took money that the church gave us and raised money for a scholarship’s in school and we raised close to $4,000 dollars for scholarships for school.

June 2012 – Church 12 – We talked about 12 reasons why we need the church.

July 2012 – Missions 12 – 12$ extra from us given to missions and with your giving we put a floor in for 60 boys in Burkina Faso and gave money to an inner city work in Chicago. We also highlighted a lot of our missionaries this last month that we support and understood why mission’s is so important.

August – Holy Spirit 12 – We will look at 12 truths about the Holy Spirit and why we need to be empowered, filled or baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Series: Holy Spirit Rising also aligns as one of our spiritual mile markers for this year!

Quote: Samuel Chadwick “Christianity is hopeless without the Holy Spirit!” Jim Cymbala’s quote from Spirit Rising.

Sermon: Who is the Holy Spirit? Pt 2

Thesis: The Holy Spirit is the most neglected part of the Trinity today and we need to allow the Holy Spirit to arise within us, to empower us to be God’s dynamic witnesses to this dying and deceived world.


The Holy Spirit is our biggest need in the church today, not money, not more people, not larger crowds, not more programs, not more Bible translations, not more study aids to the Bible, not more Christian books, not more Bible seminaries or Bible colleges, not more Degrees, not more tech stuff like lights, projectors, video illustrations or even better websites. No the biggest need of the church is the in filling of the Holy Spirit. This infilling brings empowerment to us as Christians and to the church. It transforms us into what God wants us to be and it points us to God’s agenda not ours.

Acts 1:8: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

I want you to know that transformation will not happen in our country, state or city by the elephant or by the donkey but by the Lamb and His Holy Spirit. The White House nor Congress can bring transformation to this nation nor to your life, it can only come by the power of the Holy Spirit. So we have to open up our hearts to Holy Spirit to allow Him to come in and immerse us with his power.

This power is the power which can bring our nation back to God. This power is the power that wants to fill you and empower you to be one of the points of light to do this. This power is the power which is pointing at you today saying, "I want you to be my dynamic witness to this lost society around you." This power is the power which wants to immerse you in His supernatural power so His Spirit will infill you, then rise up in you and then flow out of you to transform this society. You as Spirit filled Christians are God's solution to this nation’s problems.

Please here this message Christian Hills Church:

The Holy Spirit is rising up today calling out to the Church to invite Him back into their lives! Why? Because the church needs His empowerment! We cannot have a life transforming church without the Holy Spirit. The reality check is our wit, intellect, slick marketing ideas and or business knowledge will not transform people’s lives or this society. Our so called creative programs and witty methodologies are not working like many think because they are not transforming people or transforming this current society. Instead America is becoming less and less Christian every day and the reason is those who call themselves Christians are not transformed by the infilling of the Holy Spirit! Many Christians are not filled with the Holy Spirit which means that they are not controlled by the Holy Spirit. This is the missing link in a lot of our churches today causing lifeless churches and lifeless Christians.

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