
Summary: Who is Jesus Christ and how are we to respond to Him?

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Please open your Bibles to Chapter 9 of the Gospel of Luke verses 18-27….

Again, we must always read and study Bible passages in context. Let us note where we are in the reality of the Good News from God as told by the Disciple Luke.

In Luke Chapter 4, Jesus Christ proclaimed He was the Savior God Messiah.

From Luke 5 on, Jesus shared with His Disciples power from heaven and the reality of the Kingdom of God. In Luke 6:5, Jesus said that He is Lord and Master, even of the Sabbath, the most holy day of rest!

And let’s take note that even though it happened 8 days later, the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ is described right after our passage; read with me Luke 9:28-36……….

Before reading our passage, let us pray together our commitment to God’s Word….

Now let’s read Luke 9:18:27….

Jesus has been declaring He is the Messiah. Jesus just performed a great miracle by feeding over 10000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread! But when He asked who the people thought He was, what were the answers? Who did the people say Jesus was?

Do you remember who John the Baptist was?

Turn back briefly with me to Luke 3..

As told in the Old Testament, John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus Christ. Now go back to Luke 9 and look at v7-9…..

John the Baptist was beheaded by King Herod. And so, some people thought that Jesus was just - John the Baptist who came back from the dead, still preparing the way for the Messiah. Others just thought that Jesus was - one of the prophets of old also back from the dead.

Isn’t it interesting that people acknowledged that Jesus came from another world, rose from the dead, but would not acknowledge Him as God?

People will believe and get excited about the supernatural but will refuse to believe Jesus Christ as God!

Who did the Disciples say Jesus was? – The Messiah!

What did they mean by that?

Let us first note that the original Greek word here is “kristos” which mean The Anointed One, The Messiah, The Christ!

Now, the disciples could have been just nodding their heads and repeating what Jesus told them, that He is the “Kristos”. But let us note that those first disciples were Jews educated in the synagogues. What was taught in the synagogues about the Messiah? The Messiah was the Anointed One from God who would establish an Eternal Kingdom!

As they were taught, the first disciples believed that Jesus Christ was the Anointed One who will set up the Eternal Kingdom of God. But as we will note later in this Gospel of Luke, the Disciples thought that Jesus would overthrow the Roman Empire first. Jesus knew what was in their hearts of course and what those disciples really meant when they said “You are God’s Messiah!” and so what did Jesus do?

Jesus tells the Disciples 4 things:

v21: Don’t tell anyone about what they just said!

Why did Jesus forbid them??

You’ve heard of the saying "A little knowledge is a ............. thing!"

I believe Jesus told the disciples, at that time, not to tell anyone

– because Jesus knew the first disciples still did not fully understand who Jesus was; Jesus knew that Peter would disown Him 3 times; Jesus knew that they would all scatter when He is captured by the Jewish Leaders and the Romans; Jesus knew that when He dies and gets buried, all the disciples will be hiding!

v22: Jesus told them that He has to die but will rise from the dead!

v23: Jesus reminded them of what a Disciple is!

What 3 things must a Disciple of Christ do??

- deny self = now belong to Christ not to self

- take up cross = “kill” self = say no to sin!

- follow Christ = listen and obey

v24-27: Jesus gives promises!

- (v24) eternal life

- (v26) glory

- (v27) see the Kingdom before they die

What does this mean? We read earlier from v28-36 that at least three of the disciples witnessed the Glory of Heaven as Jesus prayed!

What does this all mean for us today? What are the Biblical Principles for us to apply?

1. Who is Jesus to you personally?

Do you truly personally believe that Jesus Christ is God, died on the cross for your sins, rose from the dead for you, and will either return for you to take you to heaven or receive you in heaven for eternity?

Now is the time to answer this question from Jesus Christ; Jesus is asking you right now, “Who do you say I am?”

Please be warned: Jesus will not ask you this question when you die! Belief in Christ is only good as you live on earth! Eternal judgment occurs when a person dies! - God’s Word tells us this and God can not lie!

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