
Summary: I want to preach on something today that applies to everyone here, and I hope you will give me your undivided attention.

Illus: This sermon reminds me of a new pastor that came to his first church. Being new in the ministry he did not know what to expect. For four weeks he was very busy. He had eight funerals and five weddings plus his other duties. He did not have time to write his regular Sunday sermon so he used the same sermon for four consecutive weeks. The Council went to the Bishop complaining that this new pastor had used the same sermon 4 times in a row. The Bishop asked what the sermon was about. The Council couldn't remember, they scratched their heads and hemmed and hawed - but they really couldn't remember. The Bishop said, "He preached that sermon four times and none of you fellows can remember what he preached on! Let him use it one more time and maybe this time it will sink in."

I hope I will only have to preach this sermon one time before it sinks in. The topic of this sermon is important because it applies to everyone here.

• If I preach on tithing I would not be preaching to everyone, because some faithfully tithe every Sunday.

• If I preach on Church attendance I would not be preaching to everyone, because some faithfully attend the house of God every time the doors are open.

• If I preach on praying, witnessing, and Bible reading I would not be preaching to everyone, because some faithfully do these things everyday.

• If I preach on putting God first in your life I would not be preaching to everyone, because some put God first in your life everyday.


Sometimes the best way to find out WHO and WHAT MATTERS IN LIFE is to play a game, and ask ourselves if our house was on fire and we could grab several things on the way out what would those things be.


They place a high premium on the television programs they love to watch each day. Whatever you do, do not make the mistake of visiting them when they are watching their favorite programs.

Illus: Dr. Odell Belger went to see an elderly lady who attended his church. She had broken her leg. He was curious and asked her, “How did you break your leg?” She said, “I was in the yard walking around and looked at my wrist watch and saw it was time for my favorite television program to come on.” She said, “I made a mad dash to the house to watch it and I was running so fast I overshot the porch and fell off the porch and broke my leg.”

Illus: David Frost said “Television is an invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn't have in your home.”

Nevertheless, if their house was to catch on fire and they could save anything, the television would be the first choice of many.


Computer addiction is a real problem in this country of ours. As soon as some people get home they head for the computer and they remain there for hours until it is time to go to bed.

Illus: Did you hear about the husband with a computer addiction? His wife sent him an email that said;

“My Dear Husband,

I am sending you this email so that you will be sure to read it. I really have not been able to talk to you since your computer entered our lives FIVE YEARS AGO. The children are doing well.

Tommy is seven now and is a bright, handsome boy. He looks a lot like you did at that age. He has developed quite an interest in the arts. He drew a family portrait for a school project recently, all the figures were good, and the back of your head is very realistic. You should be very proud of him.

Little Jennifer turned six in September. She is an attractive child and quite smart. She still remembers that you spent the whole afternoon with us on her birthday. What a grand day for Jenny, despite the fact that it was stormy and the electricity was out.

I am doing well. George, I mean, Mr. Wilson, my boss, has taken an interest in my career and has become a good friend to me and to the children.

I discovered that the household chores are much easier since I realized that you didn't mind being vacuumed but that feather dusting made you sneeze. The house is in good shape. I had the living room painted last spring; I'm not sure you noticed it. However, I made sure that the painters cut holes in the drop sheet so you wouldn't be disturbed. Well, my dear, I must be going. George – err - I mean Mr. Wilson my boss is taking us all on a ski trip and there is packing to do. I have hired a housekeeper to take care of things while we are away, she'll keep things in order, fill your coffee cup and bring your meals to your desk, just the way you like it.

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