Which Book Talks About Jesus?
Contributed by Bruce Ball on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This message covers every book of the bible, and shows how each one of them reference Jesus Christ. The title is a question. The answer would be .... "all of them."
We are American Christians who believe in the Holy Bible, and as such, we recognize that the one thing that runs all the way through our Bible, like a ribbon tying it all together, is Jesus Christ.
And "Christ" is not His last name: It is His title. And if we knew everything that title meant, we would drop to our knees and stay there while we humble our hearts to Him and worship Him.
He is the most important person to have ever walked this earth. That is why today, we will talk about Him. Let me begin by simply asking you one question: "Who is Jesus?" We will begin to find the answer to that question in this message.
From our very beginning, mankind has had an instinct written upon our hearts, and that instinct has been to worship. The problem is that we have no always understood what, or whom, we are supposed to worship, and so we find ourselves worshiping everything from trees to animals to other people.
Let me set the record straight. We will not try to argue that the Bible is truth. God says it is, we believe it is, and for us - that settles it. And in His truth, it shows that Jesus, the Christ, is the Creator of all things. Therefore, we are to worship Him above all things. And may I add a period to that statement?
Most people, however, do not know very much about the Bible or about Jesus. For instance, if I were to ask you what part of the Bible is Jesus mentioned in, where would you point me to? Would you be surprised if I said that no matter which book you suggested, you would be right? That is because Jesus is referenced, either in name or in essence, in every single book of the Bible.
In the very first verse of the very first book (GENESIS), Jesus is referenced when it says, "In the beginning, God created the earth."
The word "God" in that verse means "Elohim", which is the masculine plural form. It refers to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In short, it talks about the Trinity.
Let us continue on through the Bible. The first five books of the Bible are called the "Pentateuch", "the Book of Law", and "The Books of Moses".
In GENESIS 3:15, God tells Satan that the Messiah would be born of a woman and He would be the descendant of woman; and it would be He that steps on the head of Satan.
Jesus is therefore, the One who is ruler over all and He is the One that all nations will someday honor and bow down to. This is reaffirmed in:
GENESIS 49:10.
The scepter of power will not leave Judah, nor the ruler's staff from his descendants, until the coming of the one to whom it belongs, the one who will be the ruler of all and whom all nations will honor.
EXODUS 12, refers to Jesus as the "Lamb of God", which is also mentioned in:
JOHN 1:29.
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
In EXODUS 33:17, Jesus is mentioned as the "deliverer of the people".
In the book of LEVITICUS, we see Jesus as the "Atoning Sacrifice" who takes away our sin. He is also described as the "Bronze Serpent" who will lift all who have faith in Him.
In the book of DEUTERONOMY, it says we will always have larger and stronger enemies who will come against us, but it also tells us that just as the Israelites had that same situation and God protected them, God will also protect us. Therefore, we can rest assured that we will always have foes, but if we keep Jesus as our number one focus, he will be our deliverer from those foes.
All of this, plus much, much more is what just the first five books of the Bible tell us about Jesus Christ.
The second set of books in the Bible is called the "Historical Books". Let's see how they refer to Jesus.
In JOSHUA, we find that Jesus is our "great captain" in the fight against wrong, while the book of JUDGES who Him to be the King who helps us do what is right in God's eyes.
RUTH teaches us that Jesus is our "Kinsman Redeemer" who takes care of us because He loves us, just as Boaz took care of his kin, Ruth, because He loved her. And please, do not forgot for a moment that we are related to Jesus Christ as sons and daughters of a Most High God, and as joint heirs to the throne along with Jesus Christ.