
Summary: Spencer, having been taught as a toddler that Christmas is the holiday when Christians celebrate the birth of God's Son, with the innocence of a child, he asked his mom, "Where's the line to see Jesus? (This Message was updated December 20, 2019)

For those not familiar with an Anglican Service there are four Scriptures readings proceeding the Message. Today's assigned readings are: Isaiah 9:2-7; Psalm 96; Titus 2:11-14 and Luke 2:1-20.

Let Us Pray... O Heavenly Father ... We come to you ... with hearts open ... open to your transforming love.

We come seeking your will for our lives... to be filled to overflowing ... with joy... and with the Peace that passes all understanding.

O' Come Holy Spirit in us... Kindle in us the fire of your love.

And We ask this in the name of your son Jesus the Christ. ... O Come, O come Emanuel. Amen

A few years ago, ...while at the mall with his mother and grandpa, ...a four-year-old boy watched ... as children lined up excitedly... to see Santa Claus.

Having been taught as a toddler... that Christmas when Christians ... celebrate the birth of God's Son ... with the innocence of a child, ...he asked his mom this question, ... "Where's the line to see Jesus?"

Overhearing Spencer's words ... his grandpa was so proud ...that his grandson understood the true meaning of Christmas such a tender age.

Both his mother and grandfather......Becky Kelly and Steve Haut...were so struck by the profoundness of this little boy's question ... and the message inherent within it ......that they collaborated write and record a song ...based on that experience.

The Title of the recording was appropriately titled: ...... Where's the Line to See Jesus?

Out of the mouths of babes ... often times come profound truths ...that many adults ...cannot understand. (Pause)

On that first Christmas morning ... there was a line to see Jesus ...shepherds and angels...... all gathered see the newborn King ...lying in a manger. (Pause)

This past week ... as Christmas was approaching, ...impatient shoppers stood in lines at the checkout aisles.

And Children lined up to see Santa, little Spencer so poignantly asked... "Where's the line see Jesus?"

I am convinced that ... Consciously or subconsciously, ...most people, ...this time of the year ... are truly trying catch a glimpse of God.

Christmas that one time the year ...when many make an extra effort... to find real meaning, find real joy their lives.

This is when ...many people ...make an effort look into the heart of God.

"Maybe this is the year,"

Maybe this year ...I will find real joy and meaning to my life."

Maybe this year ...I will be able finally understand." (Pause)

Beloved ... for a moment ... Imagine the world the time of Jesus birth.

Imagine ...what Mary saw.

The world was very busy ... most people were traveling to their hometowns register be taxed Caesar.

Mary ...was one of those people.

So much hustle and bustle...everyone very busy.

There are so many travelers, ... that Mary and Joseph ...find no room the Inn.

Mary gives birth to Jesus ...and lays him a manger.

Yet ... most people ... really did not notice ... most people really ... did not care.

It's not that people ... are uninterested God.

It's just that most people, ...a poor couple having a baby ...has nothing to do with ...God.

Honestly ... The world has not changed ... all that much.

There is still the hustle ... and the bustle.

Everyone so very busy.

Does that mean that people aren't interested in God?

No... No matter how busy you are, ...deep down, ...there is a desire of every soul look into the heart ...of God. (Long Pause)

Many ...leave the holidays ...a little down, ...a little disappointed, ...and they do not understand why.

Perhaps's because they were looking for God, ...yet never found him ... at least in the places ...they were looking.

(This evening) ... Let us walk into Nazareth ...near the manger, ...and stand next to Mary, ...and see ... and take a moment to see ... what she sees.

So ... What does Mary see?

Well ... She sees a baby ... yet she sees much more.

She sees in her mines eye ... she remembers ...the promises of God.

And as she recalls those promises ...and stares into the face of that child, ...she realizes... that she is staring... into the very heart of ...God himself.

And then the shepherds arrive ... and they tell her what the angels... said to them.

They crowd around the manger ... and gaze into the face of that child ... and as they do, ...they too realize ...that they are gazing ...into the heart of ...God.

And then the shepherds leave, ...and Scriptures tell us... Mary ponders ... all these things ... in her heart.

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Paul Starkey

commented on Dec 24, 2015

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