
Summary: The challenge is for us to discover where we are today. We'll discover FOUR ways to know how we spiritually stand before the LORD.

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Where Are You?

Scripture Reference: Genesis 3:6-9

Preached at Mount Zion Baptist Church on June 9, 2019

Delivered by Rev. John Daniel Johnson


A few weeks ago, Jessica and I found some old pictures that we thought we had lost. When we moved from Georgia back to Alabama, we misplaced all of our family photos, which included our wedding pictures. For over five years, we thought that many of them were gone. However, we were cleaning out the shop and found all of these old, hidden treasures.

We took all the picture albums back to the house and were looking through them. While looking through all pictures, Tiffany and Charity continually asked questions. We showed them a picture of Jessica and I doing our wedding vows. One of them asked, “Daddy, where am I at in the picture?” Another picture was shown, and one of the kids replied, “Daddy, I don’t see me anywhere.” Picture after picture they continued to want to know where they were at. Why was there no pictures of them?

Finally, I had enough of replying the same answers. I replied a last time, you were not there, you were in heaven. Finally Charity replied, “Daddy, so me, and Tiffany and Trinity were in heaven? So why didn’t you and mama get to be in Heaven with us?” In other words, she asked me, Daddy “Where Are You?”

Even though I’ve got some good kids, I want to preach about the Greater One who asked this same question. If you’ll study the first things of the Bible you’ll discover that this is the first question that our LORD God asked mankind. I believe that this question is first asked because in it we have the beginning of the Gospel.

We know what the Gospel is. It is the Good News of Jesus. It is the Good News that even though we are sinners, Christ left the throneroom of Heaven, came to this earth, born of virgin, lived a sinless life, and died on Calvary as a substitute for us. The punishment that should have been on us because of our sin, was placed on the cross of Calvary. He took our sin and died to forgive us of our trespasses. They placed His dead body in a buried tomb, but on that third day, Jesus (the most powerful name) was resurrected back to life. Not only was sin defeated; death was defeated. Now, He seated in Heaven showing us mercy and grace. No matter how great that news is, it will have no impact on your spiritual life until you go back to the first question asked in the Bible.

Read Text

This morning I want us all to stand to our feet as the text is read. That last verse concludes with “Where Are You?” Before you’re seated turn to your neighbor and ask them “Where Are You Today?”


A couple of month ago we were in the Smoky Mountains visiting one of the local zoos with our kids. As we entered the park, the attendant gladly welcomed us and informed us that there were billboards throughout the park with maps on them. I didn't really pay much attention to the comment, cause we had all afternoon to kill, so we would just casually walk around till we got tired. We had been walking around the park for about an hour; looking at all the animals that the LORD God had created, when all of sudden, one of girls looked up to me and said, "Daddy, I got to use the bathroom." We had been so focused on the animals, we had failed to focus on the location of a bathroom. So we began walking to try to find one. We'd walk one trail and a "dead end." Another trail, another "dead end." Finally, we saw a large sign that provided a map of the park. It also showed where every bathroom was in the park, and a big red arrow pointed to the location we were standing. The arrow read, "You Are Here!" In order to get to where we needed to go, we had to first know where we were. Once we knew our present location, then we could made it to our destination.

Notice the questions that God didn't ask.

1) He didn't ask what caused them to hide.

2) He didn't ask when did they hide.

3) He didn't ask who caused the problem.

4) He didn't ask how to fix the problem.

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