When You Are Mistreated
Contributed by Grant Adams on Apr 5, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: Have you been mistreated in any way in the last few weeks? I want to help us focus on the bad deals we have received and see how we can turn those into times we can praise God.
1. I wonder if you have been treated unfairly in any way this week.
a. To a child, did your parents blame you for something your brother or sister did?
b. At school, did your teacher get you for something the fellow behind you did? And you tried to explain and made matters worse.
c. I am talking about the little things, unfair, misunderstanding, misjudged, mistreated.
2. I want you for the next few minutes to think in your past life of all the unfair deals you have received. Bum deals, all of us have had them at one time in our life.
3. Handling the bad things, the things I don’t deserve that is where the problem comes in.
a. Never is our sense of justice, so keen as when we are treated unfairly, misjudged.
b. I think this is the biggest lesson we have to learn in our Christian life.
4. 1 Peter has a great deal to say about suffering wrongly.
5. If we do wrong and are punished for it, we deserve that, but here is the real evidence of a Christian life. When we suffer for something we did not do, and we are patient in it, we find favor with God.
6. If you will be honest with me today, much if not all of our bitterness, resentment, hard feelings, and even our unforgiveness is a result of somebody saying or doing something to us we did not deserve.
7. I am glad the Bible tells us how to handle the problem and how to be a good witness for Christ.
I. Most Important Thing is Your Attitude Toward Mistreatment
1. Don’t be surprised; 1 Peter 4:12
a. Some people doubt their salvation when problem after problem come in their lives.
b. Somehow Christians think they should be exempt from suffering and wrongdoing.
2. Don’t feel sorry for yourself. 1 Peter 4:14
a. I did such and such and nobody said thank you.
b. No name in the church paper or called from the pulpit.
c. Acts 5:41; these men went away rejoicing because they suffered for Jesus.
3. Don’t worry about it. 1 Peter 3:13-14
a. Matthew 10:28; fear God.
b. The person who is living for God can be hurt but cannot be harmed.
II. How Are We to Act When Mistreated
1. Recognize it as the will of God.
a. When problems come, we ask, “Is this of God or Satan?” Both; Satan doing it but allowed by God.
b. There are two aspects to the will of God.
1) Permissive, God allows it.
2) Perfective: God allows things to happen in order that He might perfect His will or purpose in us.
c. And if we cannot take unfair treatment, we are still babes in Christ.
d. It’s easy to be kind when others are doing to us.
e. Jesus said even the pagans do this.
2. Concentrate on pleasing Jesus. 1 Peter 3:15
a. If we are trying to please self, we can never bear it, but try pleasing Jesus.
3. Keep a good conscience. 1 Peter 3:16
a. You can take mistreatment if your conscience is clear.
b. If the shoe fits wear it.
4. Bless those who mistreat you. 1 Peter 3:9
a. Bless means to speak well of.
b. To show active kindness toward them.
c. We have no right to try and get even, that is God’s job.
5. Be ready to witness in that situation. 1 Peter 3:15
a. Sooner or later that person will want to know what makes you tick.
b. Be ready.
6. Turn your case over to God. 1 Peter 2:23
a. We never are going to be able to be judged righteously in this life.
b. People do not know all the facts, only God knows our hearts. 1 Peter 4:19
III. Conclusion
1. How do you turn your case over to God?
2. Just keep doing right.
3. People get misunderstood in Church; they say, “I am not doing that job anymore.”
4. Wife trying to live for God. Husband unwilling, so she gives up.
5. The greatest witness for Christ is when we are mistreated, and we act in a Christlike manner.