
Summary: “As we trust God, all that he plans to do will be accomplished in our lives.”

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Ephesians 3:20-21

“When People Ask…”

“As we trust God, all that he plans to do will be accomplished in our lives.”

Sunday morning Sermon


Intro: (Start with title and text)

I am amazed at the lack of trust I have grown inside me. I’m sure it didn’t start out this way – it developed over time. Over Christmas we were able to spend some time with my dad, and Hailey was doing something – Dad looked at me and said, “She’s just like you.” My first reaction was, man, I hope not. Hailey trusts me. She will jump off the bed right into my arms. She allows me to spin her around and trusts that I won’t let go. I can toss her in the air and she laughs with full confidence that I will bring her down to safety. When we were at the swimming pool last summer, she could trust that we would be at the bottom of the slide where the deep water is. She is filled to the very top with trust. I hope and pray that she will continue to trust those around her because Trust is one of the core characteristics of our heavenly father. He takes Hailey and gives her to us – trusting that we will take care of her. He has a bride that is the church, and he trusts the leadership to move it forward and fulfill the commission, and the vision to bring people to a closer relationship with Him.

Yet, it’s so easy to allow the lack of trust in what he can do in us and through us to build up rock solid in our hearts.


Our trust of God is sometimes difficult to work out in our minds. I know we want to trust him, as Christians we should trust. But, it’s easy to trust yourself, in the things you can do, the limitations you have. Trust means that you are able to get hurt, get let down, to be rejected. But if there is ever a time to trust him – the time is now. If there is ever a moment to make him not only God, but Lord of your life – the time is now.

Our text this morning takes us to a church – Paul wants for this church, and every Christian the same that he wanted for the church in Ephesus when he wrote this.

Turn with me, if you have your Bibles to (Advance)Ephesians 3:20-21 (Read)

This is absolutely my favorite section of scripture, because it shows a limitless God. It proves that God is only limited by the limits we put on him. (Advance)

“As we trust God, all that he plans to do will be accomplished in our lives.”

I see two things this morning – As things start to move again, and we get opportunities to serve set up – See these two things:


I. God is at work (20)

“Now to him” -- …Back to God

a. God is able to do more

i. Immeasurably More – than we could ask or imagine

Picture our church growing – people coming to know Jesus as Lord --

ii. Young people –

1. Making choices based on God’s word

2. Bringing their friends

3. Waiting till marriage, not because they have to, but because they understand it’s God’s desire.

I see a church where young adults can get their needs met, where we incorporate the wisdom and understanding of those who have gone before us – in areas of marriage, money and children – and this church becomes a Christ-centered resource. Instead of our young adults turning to the internet or TV for advice or counseling.

iii. Older people

I see a church where people of age are respected and honored because of their life commitment to God. I see places of service – enjoyment of our worship, and ministry that meets their needs.

iv. Children

I hear noise – good noise – babies crying, (churches with no small kids are that way for a reason), mom’s taking the time to encourage and strengthing one another, praying together, growing together and loving each other.

v. Worship

1. unrestricted because of who might be watching

2. Hands raised in praise to God – it’s biblical by the way.

3. Heads bowed in prayer – I see…

4. Honesty and clarity

5. Bibles open

6. People taking notes – effective preaching

7. People Growing

Those are excellent things to reach for – I hope your vision of this church is just as big.

It’s easy to say – this vision for this body of Christ will take time, tons of energy and lots of wisdom. God looks at this vision and says – “Jay, that’s only the beginning”. Here’s an excellent truth – that will keep our vision from being too small:

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