
Summary: What will God have you do to help take to Gospel to the whole world. You can do you part. This message was preached at the beginning of our annual Missions Conference 2001.

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What Wilt Thou Have Me To Do

Acts 9:6

Reading: Isaiah 6:1-8

Intro: Acts 9:1-6

We are familiar with the Great Commission…..we are going to study it in more detail this evening.

When Paul was stricken of the Lord he asked a question that should be on all of our minds.

Vs. 6 What wilt thou have me to do?

This week we will be having missionaries from all over the world who have given their lives to preaching the Gospel in foreign lands.

And it’s good for them to go – We consider them heroes.

It is good to send missionaries and to do our part, but there is a personal responsibility that we all have to foreign missions.

We should be asking ourselves….Lord what wilt thou have me to do.

I would like to looks at what the Lord tells us in His Word about what we should be doing about missions.

1. John 4:48 Lift up your eyes and look.

When the field was white unto harvest it meant that the grain was ready to be picked.

Jesus is saying that we should be aware of the need that is already before us.

Oswald J. Smith said “Why should anyone hear the Gospel twice before everyone has heard it once.

There are now over 6 billion people on the earth. Most of them have never heard that God loves them.

Right here in America there are millions of people that have not heard a genuine presentation of the Gospel of Christ.

The harvest is out there…we must lift up our eyes and see the need to preach Christ all over the world.

Even right here in our own community, there are hundreds who need the Lord.

Every one of you can think of someone right now who needs the Lord.

We must be away of the urgent need to preach Christ.

The time is growing shorter every day.

When we see the fields that are white, there is a limited time I which the fruit can be harvested.

Lift up your eyes…. and look, the fields are ready to be harvested.

2. Matthew 9:36-38 Lift up your hearts and pray.

Pray for God to send forth laborers into His harvest.

No doubt there was a time when someone prayed that God would send someone to the Seminole Indians and give them the Gospel.

Now that the Gospel is here we must pray for God to send someone to reach them.

Be careful how you pray….. I began praying years ago for this reservation…and now look where I am.

When we know of a place that needs laborers we must ask God to send someone.

Illustration. Acts 8:26 The Ethiopian Eunuch

There was a time when God put Argentina on my heart and I began to pray for Argentina.

-Key West

-Big Cypress Indian Reservation

-Brighton Indian Reservation

-Who has God put on your heart?

We must pray for those who are already in the field.

-The missionaries we support

-Others that we received reports about.

1 Thessalonians 3:1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:

-Not…”Lord, bless all the missionaries.

-Who are you praying for on foreign fields?

-Missionaries that we support

What fields are you praying for?

Jesus said “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.

3. 1 Corinthians 9:6-11 Lift up your hands and give

God may not have sent you to a foreign mission field, but you can help others get there.

We have a responsibility to give to those who are going.

I believe God blesses a church that is giving to missions.

We don’t normally receive a special missions offering, that will soon change.

We do give to missions out of our general budget.

We must do more than we are doing.

God has bless abundantly blessed us and we must do our part in reaching the world for Christ.

We must do more……

I believe God blesses the individual that is giving to missions.

Lift up your hands and give…..

You be a blessing to these missionaries that are here this week.

4. John 20:21 Lift up your feet and go.

...As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.

God calls sinners, He sends the saints

God may be speaking to you about serving on a mission field.

Listen to His voice…don’t dismiss it as something impossible

If God wants you to go, He will make a way.

He may what you to go across the street, or across the ocean…either way...obey His voice.


What wilt thou have me to do?

Lift up your eyes and look – the fields are white.

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