
Summary: Fear, whether from external threats like David’s enemies or internal struggles, can grip our hearts and paralyze us. Yet David reminds us that we can choose faith over fear, turning to God as our refuge and strength in times of overwhelming adversity.

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What to Do When We Are Afraid! – Pt.2

Psalm 27


Psalm 27 = is both uplifting and powerful – speaks to the struggles of the heart.

David = the human penman… on the see/saw of life… up one moment and down the next… experiencing that tug of war of the heart… as he vacillates between fear & faith, trust & trembling, determination and doubt, security & insecurity.

Story Behind the Psalm:

Not really told at what point in David’s life this particular Psalm was written… do know not it was not written in a time of ease… sitting by the fire in his palace… time of great difficulty… fear had seized his heart.

**3x’s David mentions his fears: vv.1, 3

v.2 – enemies, foes about ready to devour him.

v.3 – potential of being surrounded by his enemies, engulfed in a time of war and fighting.

v.12 – will of his enemies… false witnesses… whispering lies and hurling false accusations against him… breathing out cruelty.

v.13 – “I had fainted” = stretched to the limits physically, emotionally, spiritually… exhausted, weak, weary… not able to make it.

Septuagint = Psalm 27 written before David was anointed.

Early Life = Running from Saul… living in caves.

Later Life = Running from Absalom… hiding in the wilderness.

Truth = David had his fears, and we have ours!

2Tim. 1:7 – the spirit of fear

1John 4:8 – fear hath torment

Icy hand of fear can creep into our lives… victimize us, monopolize and paralyze us… distract us mentally, destroy us emotionally, defeat us spiritually!

Preach: “What to Do When You Are Afraid.”


Look: v.4

Psalms 26,27,28 = the Psalms of the Sanctuary

[26:6,8; 27:4,5; 28:2]

v.4 – verse of decision, determination

Times of difficulty we are going to live in one of two places… live in presence of fear or live in the presence of God… either going gripped by fear or gripped by God!

A. The Lord is My Light in the Dark Times

v.1a – ‘The LORD is my light…”

B. The Lord is My Deliverance in Distressing Times

C. The Lord is My Strength in the Difficult Times


Note: v.4

“One thing” = focus!

Scientists: proven that the human mind is capable of only focusing on one thing at a time.

When gripped by fear… thoughts begin to bombard our minds… come faster than we can process them… leads to mental & emotional meltdown.

Illust: old time switch board.

• Jesus = one thing is needful

• Blind man = one thing I know

• Apostle Paul = one thing I do.

Rather than looking at your fears… look upon your God!

“Beauty” = delightfulness

Delightfulness = of His wisdom, mercy, grace, faithfulness,

As one of His children… focus on all that our Heavenly Father is in our life.

When you focus on your God; forget about your fears!!!


Look: v.4c – “… and to enquire in His temple.”

v.7 – “answer me”

Christian = we are not sinners in the hands of an angry God but saints in the hands of a loving Heavenly Father who desires that we bring every petition to His attention… cast every burden upon His all-sufficient shoulders…

Glad that are God doesn’t just hear us… answers us!

Seek His face… Spirit of God speak sweet peace to our hearts!


Look: v.13

David = on the roller coaster of life… up one moment and down the next… goes from fear to faith and from faith to fear.

Truth = fear lives next door to faith. Fear and faith fight for the mastery of the soul. Either live our lives in the grip of fear or in the power of a confident faith rooted in the living God.

God is greater!

Faith = rises above the circumstances, feelings, fears – confident in the goodness of His God.

Look: vv.2,3

A. Hide Me (5)

Pavilion = dwelling place … place of refuge or safety.

David’s = refuge – not a place but a Person! Hid himself in the presence of God.


There is a place of quiet rest,

Near to the heart of God;

A place where sin cannot molest,

Near to the heart of God.

There is a place of comfort sweet,

Near to the heart of God;

A place where we our Savior meet,

Near to the heart of God.

There is a place of full release,

Near to the heart of God;

A place where all is joy and peace,

Near to the heart of God.

Quote: Greatest peace is not the calming of the storm but the calm in the midst of the storm.

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