
Summary: Instead of asking, “Are these the last days?” a better question might be asked, “What should the followers of Christ be doing during the Last Days?” We need to make sure we are prepared.

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Ever since the Coronavirus infected the world, a renewed interest in “the Last Days” has erupted. When this pandemic began to take over America and shut down businesses, schools and churches, Christians became more vocal about what to do. Other negative events have also transpired in the months and years following the outbreak of this disease. These events seem to indicate that the end of the world is near.

Instead of asking, “Are these the last days?” a better question might be asked, “What should the followers of Christ be doing during the Last Days?” Jesus said that no one knew when the end would come except God the Father. He also said that there would be signs. So, we can watch for those signs, but we need to do more. We need to make sure we are prepared.

In other words, Christians ought to do something. The question is, “What?” When searching for the answer, one thing I found was, “do not take the mark of the beast.” Which is, in fact, very good advice; but then again, it has a negative connotation, with the idea of “don’t do this,” or “don’t do that.” However, I wanted to know, what can I do?

I think Jesus’ disciples should be proactive; that is, we need to be doing positive things. By taking a proactive stance, we keep ourselves busy by living out our faith. When we do the positive, then we will begin to see hope, not only that heaven waits for us (which it does), but also hope for living every day to the glory of God.

Jesus’ Teaching on the Last Days

So, “are we living in the last days?” To answer that question, we need to know what the Bible says about the end of the world. Jesus Himself had a lot to say about the last days. Luke took a whole chapter in his Gospel to record what Jesus taught about the end of time.

In Luke 21:8-19, Jesus warned us about many signs that signal the end of the world. We see many of these signs already existing in our world. Therefore, according to this passage of Scripture, we could possibly be living in the last days.

We need to take Jesus at His word and understand there are at least six “proactive” things we can be doing while living in the last days. We need to take a look in particular in what Jesus told His disciples to do; rather than only observe the signs that signal the end of the world.

First, Do Not Be Alarmed

The first thing Jesus said to do in this passage was, “do not be alarmed,” or “don’t be terrified;” especially in the context of living in a time of wars and revolts. There will be people falsely claiming to be the Christ. Jesus continued to warn us of massive earthquakes, plagues, famines, and terrible sights and great signs from heaven. And to make it worse for Christians is the fact that we will be persecuted, or even murdered, because of our faith in Jesus.

Most people are afraid of the end of the world. It seems so chaotic, dangerous, and final. And many Christians dread being a part of such a devastating situation.

Now, I know Jesus said this in a negative sense, “don’t be afraid;” so let’s be a little more positive. Instead of being afraid, we should embrace our times! This is our time. God has chosen us to be here in this time and place. We are a part of it. We have a place and a purpose here. We should not be afraid. Furthermore, we should find strength and courage to live each day for Jesus.

Remember Jesus' first appearance; that is, when He was born. In the Christmas story, the wise men searched for Him. They embraced their times. If we are wise, we will do the same thing! The wise men were excited to be a part of the story. They were on their way to meet the King of the Jews. And, when they got to Bethlehem, they found He was so much more. The Christ Child was also the King of kings!

If we are living in the last days, then very soon we will meet this same Jesus face-to-face. Instead of worrying over the state of the world, we need to see that this is an amazing time to be alive. Let’s embrace the times in which we are living!

Second, Rejoice

A second proactive thing we can do I believe is implied in Jesus' words; it is also something we are encouraged to do time and again throughout the Bible. The second thing Christians need to do is rejoice!

We have a remarkable reason for rejoicing. If it is really the end of the world, then Jesus’ words are being fulfilled right before our eyes. Jesus predicted wars and rumors of wars, great earthquakes, plagues, and famines; and even more so, the persecution of Christians. Instead of the world getting better before the end, Jesus predicted it would get worse. As we see Jesus’ words becoming true, we have all the more reason to trust Jesus and what He said.

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