Summary: Instead of asking, “Are these the last days?” a better question might be asked, “What should the followers of Christ be doing during the Last Days?” We need to make sure we are prepared.

Ever since the Coronavirus infected the world, a renewed interest in “the Last Days” has erupted. When this pandemic began to take over America and shut down businesses, schools and churches, Christians became more vocal about what to do. Other negative events have also transpired in the months and years following the outbreak of this disease. These events seem to indicate that the end of the world is near.

Instead of asking, “Are these the last days?” a better question might be asked, “What should the followers of Christ be doing during the Last Days?” Jesus said that no one knew when the end would come except God the Father. He also said that there would be signs. So, we can watch for those signs, but we need to do more. We need to make sure we are prepared.

In other words, Christians ought to do something. The question is, “What?” When searching for the answer, one thing I found was, “do not take the mark of the beast.” Which is, in fact, very good advice; but then again, it has a negative connotation, with the idea of “don’t do this,” or “don’t do that.” However, I wanted to know, what can I do?

I think Jesus’ disciples should be proactive; that is, we need to be doing positive things. By taking a proactive stance, we keep ourselves busy by living out our faith. When we do the positive, then we will begin to see hope, not only that heaven waits for us (which it does), but also hope for living every day to the glory of God.

Jesus’ Teaching on the Last Days

So, “are we living in the last days?” To answer that question, we need to know what the Bible says about the end of the world. Jesus Himself had a lot to say about the last days. Luke took a whole chapter in his Gospel to record what Jesus taught about the end of time.

In Luke 21:8-19, Jesus warned us about many signs that signal the end of the world. We see many of these signs already existing in our world. Therefore, according to this passage of Scripture, we could possibly be living in the last days.

We need to take Jesus at His word and understand there are at least six “proactive” things we can be doing while living in the last days. We need to take a look in particular in what Jesus told His disciples to do; rather than only observe the signs that signal the end of the world.

First, Do Not Be Alarmed

The first thing Jesus said to do in this passage was, “do not be alarmed,” or “don’t be terrified;” especially in the context of living in a time of wars and revolts. There will be people falsely claiming to be the Christ. Jesus continued to warn us of massive earthquakes, plagues, famines, and terrible sights and great signs from heaven. And to make it worse for Christians is the fact that we will be persecuted, or even murdered, because of our faith in Jesus.

Most people are afraid of the end of the world. It seems so chaotic, dangerous, and final. And many Christians dread being a part of such a devastating situation.

Now, I know Jesus said this in a negative sense, “don’t be afraid;” so let’s be a little more positive. Instead of being afraid, we should embrace our times! This is our time. God has chosen us to be here in this time and place. We are a part of it. We have a place and a purpose here. We should not be afraid. Furthermore, we should find strength and courage to live each day for Jesus.

Remember Jesus' first appearance; that is, when He was born. In the Christmas story, the wise men searched for Him. They embraced their times. If we are wise, we will do the same thing! The wise men were excited to be a part of the story. They were on their way to meet the King of the Jews. And, when they got to Bethlehem, they found He was so much more. The Christ Child was also the King of kings!

If we are living in the last days, then very soon we will meet this same Jesus face-to-face. Instead of worrying over the state of the world, we need to see that this is an amazing time to be alive. Let’s embrace the times in which we are living!

Second, Rejoice

A second proactive thing we can do I believe is implied in Jesus' words; it is also something we are encouraged to do time and again throughout the Bible. The second thing Christians need to do is rejoice!

We have a remarkable reason for rejoicing. If it is really the end of the world, then Jesus’ words are being fulfilled right before our eyes. Jesus predicted wars and rumors of wars, great earthquakes, plagues, and famines; and even more so, the persecution of Christians. Instead of the world getting better before the end, Jesus predicted it would get worse. As we see Jesus’ words becoming true, we have all the more reason to trust Jesus and what He said.

During the pandemic, there seemed to be a Bible awakening going on; in that, more Bibles and Bible apps were being purchased. But they do not do you any good unless you read and study them. Also, the Bible doesn’t do you any good if you don’t believe it is God’s truth. The Scriptures do you no good if you don’t apply them to your lives. Over and over, the Bible tells us to be joyful, especially during the evil days as well as the good.

Third, Praise the Lord

A third proactive thing we can do is praise the Lord. No matter what happens here on earth, God is still on His throne. He is still in control. Psalm 29:10 says, “The Lord sat as King at the flood; Yes, the Lord sits as King forever.”

Although this psalm is accredited to David, who was himself a king, when I read about a flood in this verse, I think about Noah. For forty days and nights, the rains came, and the earth was flooded. We cannot imagine the intensity of that storm. Noah experienced life at its worst; and yet, God got him through the storm because, as King, God was still in control of everything that was happening to Noah. If God could get Noah safely through that storm, “don’t you think He can get you through the last days?”

“Are we in the last days?” I don’t know, but God does. Remember that He created the whole world, including time itself. We may be governed and affected by time, but not God. He created it. He controls it. And everything happens according to God’s will and God’s power.

We need to praise God. No matter what the world throws at us, God still watches over His people. Always remember, Jesus loves you, and He has not abandoned you. Jesus gives us hope, and He gives us assurance. Praise the Lord!

Fourth, Get Ready to Testify

Jesus told His disciples they would be brought before kings and governors on account of His name. And, Jesus said, “It will lead to an opportunity for your testimony.”

Jesus also said we are not to worry about how to defend ourselves. “What defense could we have for ourselves?” When the prosecution asks, “Are you a Christian?” you only have one of two answers; “Yes” or “No.” For me, the answer is, “Yes;” therefore I have no defense. I am guilty as charged, so I do not need to worry about defending that answer.

Jesus continued by saying, “I will provide you eloquence and wisdom which none of your adversaries will be able to oppose or refute.” Jesus was applying this statement to the opportunity for our testimony. The word “testimony” in this verse is the Greek word “marturion,” which means to give evidence as a witness in a court of law.

As a believer, you shouldn’t have to swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, so help you God. As a Jesus’ follower, telling the truth should be the first and only thing we want to do; especially when our testimony is telling kings and governors all about the Christ who saved our souls and set us free. And, when we need to do this, whether in court or simply in our daily lives, Jesus said He would help us speak with eloquence and wisdom.

The fourth proactive is to get ready to testify. We do not need to be prepared about what to say as much as we need to be prepared to have the strength and courage to testify faithfully about Jesus; especially when our very lives may be threatened.

Fifth, Endure

Jesus also told His disciples to “endure.” This word can also be translated as “to be patient” or “to stand firm.” Jesus meant we are to remain firm in our faith, because the world, its people, and its conditions, may cause you to question your faith.

A warning: it is so easy to give up and quit when things or times get tough, or when people persecute you. Christians need to endure to the end. We need to persevere through any trial or tribulation. We do this by looking beyond the grief of the circumstance to the glory of God.

The book of Hebrews tells us that Jesus “who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2) Jesus’ disciples need to follow His example. We need to look beyond the physical world filled with death, and see the heavenly realm filled with life that awaits every believer.

Jesus told His disciples that if we will endure, then we will gain life. Obviously, the life Jesus was referring to is eternal life. I may be crazy, but I believe that this eternal life can be enjoyed

(at least in part) on this earth, and it is not something that only awaits us. Otherwise, it cannot be eternal.

While on this earth, the eternal can be experienced through our relationship with God. Keep yourself dedicated to Christ, because, during the last days, things are going to get worse. But, for Christians, the best is yet to come.

Sixth, Pray

Finally, quite simply, we need to pray! Jesus ended his discussion about the last days in Luke’s Gospel by encouraging His disciples to “stay alert” and “pray.” (Luke 21:36)

I am going to emphasize one prayer request specifically. Now, with all the evil, hurt, and death in this world, we are going to have a lot of things to pray for. We need to pray for healing for those injured and inflicted during the last days. We need to pray for those who lose everything due to earthquake, famine or desolation. We need to pray for each other as persecutions become worse and worse, while friends and neighbors fall to the guiles of the beast. We need to pray for salvation for the lost, and at the same time we need to pray that we will be bold witnesses for Christ.

However, if these are the last days; and, especially since these may be the last days, Christians have an even greater prayer request. This prayer is found in at the end of the Book of Revelation. In Revelation 21:20 John wrote, “He (Jesus) who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming quickly.’” And John then answers, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” The most important thing we can do is pray for the Return of Christ; thus, we would also be praying for an end to the last days.

About the Author: D. J. Speckner is a Christian freelance writer who enjoys a novel perspective on the Christian

life and the world around me. He has a published book, “Our Need for Revival,” which can be

purchased at