
Summary: Counting the cost of Discipleship


LUKE 14:25-35

Story of family coming from Church-----father—talking about the preacher----mother talking about the lady behind her and her loud singing-------daughter talking about her S.S. teacher------Son talking about the lady in front of him with the big hat--------then the son said-------“you know dad, it’s still the cheapest show in town”

Peanuts cartoon---- Lucy-----“Sally crawling------when will she start walking”-------Linus-----“Let her crawl, once you’ve stood and start walking–you’ve committed yourself for a lifetime

John Maxwell—in his book “ Be a people person”-----states—“Until I am committed, there is a hesitancy, a chance to draw back. But the moment I definitely commit myself, then God moves also, and a whole steam of events erupt. All manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings, persons, and material assistance which I could never have dreamed would come my way begin to flow toward me—the moment I make a commitment”

Great Commission— Matthew 28:18-20

Acts 1:4----Don’t leave Jerusalem till the Holy Spirit comes

Now here in Luke—Jesus is teaching on Discipleship----He is making clear the demands and commitment of discipleship

Discipleship means following the teaching of Christ----being committed

Now who are the disciples of Christ?----all who are saved

----You see as Christians we should live for Him—follow His teachings and commands

John 8:31--------------John 15:7 7 8

Now let me ask you a question ----What kind of Disciple are you?

—I think there are 3 main kinds of Disciples

1)----Dilapidated Disciple

for those who do not know what dilapidated means----let me give you an example

----My old green truck--------*pray that it would crack and get me where I was going-----*Noise was terrible--------*looks—Margie wanted me to park it in the back yard------kids was embarrassed

You see the truck is still a truck-----still sorter does the work of a truck----but

• Not dependable

• Doesn’t glorify the owner

• Doesn’t have much power

How many Christians are like that

You see we may have started out with a bang----but we fizzled out

we did not persevere---------God needs Disciples like Paul

II Timothy 4:7—“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith”

2)—Dignified Disciples

This is the ones that do everything for show-----bring glory to themselves

You see they are not truly serving God—not willing to do whatever God ask----------They only want to do the showy jobs—what People can brag on

Remember Ananias and Sapphira-----(Andy and Sappie)

-----So many want all the blessings of God------all the prestige----all the glory----but they don’t want to pay the price

They want it all on a silver platter

I Corinthians 1:30-31

3)—Dynamite Disciples

this is the disciple that is really sold out to God------surrenders all to Him------on fire for God

His is willing to serve in any capacity that God wills

• He’s dependable

• He glorifies the Lord

• He has power in his life because he allows the Holy Spirit to have full control of his life

Now these verses tell us something important if we are to be a dynamite disciple------------it tells us some things that we cannot have in our lives

1)----There can be no rival for Jesus—v. 26


He must have 1st place in our lives---------------now this is not always easy

long ago—a lawyer ask our Lord which was the greatest commandment----------Notice the answer of Jesus found in Matthew 22:37-39

------Luke 18:18-23

How about you----do you have Jesus 1st ----do you have rivals for Jesus

2)—There can be no refusal—v. 27

What does it really mean to carry your Cross

------it means daily identification with Christ in shame, suffering, and surrender to God’s will----------the cross was the will of God for Jesus------What is His will for you----That is your cross

It means dying to self-----our plans—our ambitions----we must have a willingness to serve Him as He directs

Whatever Jesus ask of you-----you must be willing to do

we all have different crosses to bear-----but whatever it may be -----we must be willing to bear it

----To bear a cross is to accept fully the consequences of discipleship-----------shame, loneliness, hostility----------but also joy, peace, and happiness

we can be sure that God will never allow more on us than we can bear

3)—There can be no retreat from Jesus—v. 28-35

This means that once you’ve decided to live for Jesus—you should always live for Him

we should be the salt that is pure and good----not useless--

v. 34-35

Hebrews 12:1-3

Notice v. 33--------sometimes it gets hard—but we must keep shriving----keep in mind the prize set before us

What Kind of Disciple are you?


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