
Summary: Many folks are ignorant about the national holidays this country has set aside for us to observe. Veterans day is one of them.

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If you ask some why we observe this day as a national holiday, they know it has something to do with the military, but they do not understand the significance of it.

Illus: They remind me of a young man that took his girl friend to her first football game. They arrived at the game when the two teams met in the center of the field with the referee when he tossed the quarter to determine who would get the ball first.

• She sat there watching the game with him and it did not make a lot of sense.

• He asked her after the game if she liked the game and she said she did.

• But she went on to say that she thought it was a childish game.

• He said, “What do you mean it is childish game?” She said, “I just couldn't understand why they were killing each other for 25 cents."

• Dumbfounded, her date asked, "What on earth do you mean?"

• "Well, I saw them flip a coin and one team got it and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was: ‘Get the quarter back! Get the quarter back!’”

Veteran’s day does not make a lot of sense to some folks, but it is a very important day in our nation.

• This holiday that we call Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day.

• It was officially changed to Veterans Day in 1954.

• It is a time to remember all those who faithfully served their country in military service.

While we are enjoying ourselves here in the States, there are men and women around the world making this possible. All across this nation today:

• There are spouses today that are home alone

• There are children today without Mom or Dad

• There are parents today without their children

We need to pause today to honor these who are paying such a tremendous price so we can have the freedom we enjoy.

In Rom. 13:7, we read, “Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; HONOUR TO WHOM HONOUR.”

The Bible tells us to give honor to those who deserve it. And this is what we are doing today. Sometimes we wait until someone is gone to give them honor. Then it’s too late for them to appreciate our recognition of their accomplishments. But this is not always the case.

Illus: Imagine a funeral service. The preacher’s giving the eulogy, and suddenly, the "guest of honor" pops up out of the coffin!

It really happened. George Sogwe of South Africa decided to fake his death as a test. He said "I wanted to know what people would say about me when I’m dead,"

One friend said, "George says he’s gonna keep the coffin for his real funeral” Another friend that was there said, “Which may be held sooner than he thinks, if he keeps pulling stunts like this!"

Many times, people are dead and gone before we ever honor them. How sad! But Veterans Day honors those that served this country who are alive.

Let us now take a look at what is required to be a GOOD SOLDIER and thus become a TRUE VETERAN of the Lord’s service. Let’s look at-


God has never forced anyone to join His army. During the days of the draft, a young man would receive a letter from Uncle Sam in the mail telling him to report for service. He had no choice; if he did not show up, the government came to get him!

When the draft was in effect, many young men did all kinds of things to dodge the draft because they did not want to serve. Some actually fled the country. They had other plans for their life and they did not want Uncle Sam interfering.

Illus: Two military policemen were chasing a draftee fleeing from the military base. The draftee ran into the courtyard of a convent. He saw a nun seated on a round bench beneath a tree, quietly reading a book.

• He said to her, "Quick sister, please hide me I don't want to be drafted and the MP's are chasing me!"

• She said, “Get underneath this table and I will hide you from them!”

• The two military policemen came by and asked if she had seen anyone. She replied, "No."

• After they left the young man came out and said, “Wow! I thought they caught me!” The Nun pulled her robe off and the young man saw she was a man and he said, “Yea, I thought they got me too!”

Today we do not have the draft! We now have a VOLUNTARY ARMY! We no longer force young men to SERVE!

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