
Summary: There are so many “gospels” are being PREACHED today! Many PROGRAMS, STRATEGIES, FORMULAS and MAN-MADE DOCTRINES that tries to make the Gospel PRESENTABLE to the audience are being INVENTED today. These DOCTRINES of MAN is for man! I mean, PLEASING man.

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Then He [Jesus] CALLED

His TWELVE DISCIPLES [Apostles] together,

and gave them POWER and AUTHORITY OVER ALL

devils, and to cure DISEASES.

And He SENT them to PREACH the KINGDOM of God,

and to HEAL the sick.

(Luke 9:1-2)

There are so many “gospels” are being PREACHED today! Many PROGRAMS, STRATEGIES, FORMULAS and MAN-MADE DOCTRINES that tries to make the Gospel PRESENTABLE to the audience are being INVENTED today. These DOCTRINES of MAN is for man! I mean, PLEASING man. These DOCTRINES caused the DIVISION of the Body of Christ. In the first place, the Gospel MESSAGE of Christ is the POWER of God to TRANSFORM a life. “For it is the POWER of God unto SALVATION to everyone that BELIEVETH; to the Jew FIRST, and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16). What is this Gospel? It is the Gospel for the SALVATION, ORIGINALLY for the Jews!

Just what do you think GOSPEL?

“As we said before, so say I now again, If any man PREACH ANY OTHER GOSPEL unto you than that ye have received , let him be accursed. For do I now PERSUADE MEN, or God? Or do I seek to PLEASE MEN? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the SERVANT of Christ. But I certify you, brethren, that the GOSPEL W/C WAS PREACHED OF ME WAS NOT AFTER MAN. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but BY the REVELATION of Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 1:9-12). It is not we to PERSUADE men to BELIEVE the Gospel. Not by our OWN MIGHT and UNDERSTANDING, but by the CONVICTION of the Holy Spirit. This Gospel is a Spirit Led PREACHING, not from man, but a REVELATION DIRECTLY from Jesus Christ, Himself, through the Word of God! And now, the MYSTERY that was KEPT SECRET from the FOUNDATION of the world was REVEALED.

The Old Testament Prophets and the Apostles DESIRED to SEE this MYSTERY of God’s PLAN for MANKIND. But you are CHOSEN to know this MYSTERY. God have been WAITING for you! We are the CHOSEN GENERATION! We are the “End-Time” Prophets to PREACH the Gospel of the KINGDOM of God in ALL the NATIONS of the world.

John the Baptist was sent by the Lord Jesus Christ to PREPARE the WAY before Him. John was sent ahead to PREACH REPENTANCE and FORGIVENESS of sins. Now, in these “Last Days”, the Lord Jesus Christ needs more PREACHERS with the “PROPHETIC ANOINTING” to PREPARE the WAY for His 2nd COMING. Yes, the Lord needs you! The Lord is COMING BACK for the WHOLE world as KING of kings. ALL EYES shall SEE Him. That’s why He needs a COMPANY of PREACHERS to PREPARE the WAY for His 2nd COMING. The WHOLE world and ALL men must get READY for His RETURN! You are so much PRIVILEGED because out of MILLIONS, God CHOSE you for this SUPERNATURAL MISSION.

God have been WAITING for you to UNDERSTAND the MYSTERY of His PLAN BEFORE the CREATION of the world. Myriads of BOOKS were published, and KNOWLEDGE have INCREASED, yet, the MYSTERY was not REVEALED. The MYSTERY was SEALED and it was RESERVED for you. “Keep this Prophecy a SECRET; SEAL up the book until the time of the END. Many will rush here and there, and KNOWLEDGE will INCREASE.” (Daniel 12:4). The SEAL was BROKEN! It’s up to you to SEARCH the SECRETS in the SCRIPTURES. The ANSWERS for the MYSTERY is all WRITTEN in the BIBLE!


that John the Baptist PREACHED

When Jesus Christ came the FIRST time, He came for a SINGLE NATION as a POOR baby. So He needed ONLY ONE to PREPARE the WAY! But in these “Last Days”, ALL NATIONS will SEE Him. He needs YOU and ME! That’s why God caused this BOOK to be PUBLISHED for you to know your CALLING and PURPOSE why Jesus Christ SAVED you by His DEATH on the CROSS! God CHOSE you for these GREAT and SUPERNATURAL MISSION. To PREACH the Gospel of the KINGDOM of God. Yes, the PROMISED, MILLENNIAL KINGDOM is at hand! “REPENT ye: for the KINGDOM of Heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2). This was the GOOD NEWS that John the Baptist PREACHED! THE PROMISED, MILLENNIAL KINGDOM IS AT HAND! This is the GOOD NEWS we should PREACH

Did you know why Jesus said that John the Baptist was the GREATEST of ALL the Prophets? What made John the Baptist the GREATEST of all the Prophets? In fact, John did not perform any MIRACLES, unlike the Old Testaments Prophets. He did not SPOKE many Prophecies! But what did Jesus mean when He said, “I assure you, of all who have ever lived, none is greater than John the Baptist. (Matthew 11:11, NLT). Many Prophets Prophesied about the COMING MESSIAH. They Prophesied that the MESSIAH would SUFFER. It was because John the Baptist SAW the MESSIAH by his OWN EYES and DECLARED, “Behold the Lamb of God, which TAKETH AWAY the sin of the world.” (John 1:29). John the Baptist CONFIRMED his Prophesy, Himself. He CONFIRMED what he what he have SPOKEN by his OWN EYES. “Someone is COMING SOON who is FAR GREATER than I am -- so much greater that I AM NOT EVEN WORTHY TO BE HIS SLAVE. (Mark 1:7, NLT). Also read Matthew 3:11 and Luke 3:16.

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