
Summary: Godly fathers are God's best plan for spiritual leadership in a family. But, in the event where there is no godly father, or no father at all, the world will do it's best to fill that void with a vengeance.

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What is NOT a Father

Please stand with me as we go over our current memory Scripture:

Matthew 5:6-8

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

And our memory Scripture “refresher” verse is:

Matthew 22:37-40

“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.

“And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Today we will be reading from Deuteronomy 6:1-9

Today is Father’s Day and Father’s Day causes somewhat of a conundrum for me. In many cases it is expected that there should be a sermon about being a good father on Father’s Day. But in our case we have only a few families with children or grandchildren at home and so a Biblical “seminar” on how to be a good father would only be applicable to a few in the congregation. So, I believe that such a teaching would better be left to a small gathering of those to whom the teaching would be applicable.

So, what should we talk about on Father’s Day? Well, one of the things we will be talking about is “WHAT” is not a good father. That may sound confusing to you right now but to confuse the matter even more, which I often do, let’s read a passage in the Old Testament about what a good father should do …

With that in mind let’s go ahead and read Deuteronomy 6:1-9

(Prayer for help)

Obviously, from reading this passage in Deuteronomy we know what a good father should do, right? A good father should be consumed with the Lord and with passing that passion for the Lord on to his children.

Just listen to this list of what a good father should do with the Word of the Lord …

Keep these commandments in your heart

Impress them on your children

Talk about them when you sit at home

Talk about them when you walk along the road

Talk about them when you lie down

Talk about them when you get up

Tie them as symbols on your hands

Bind them on your foreheads

Write them on the doorframes of your houses

Write them on your gates

And, of course, obey them yourself.

Everything that a child needs to carry him through life will flow from that. If a child grows up having a passionate relationship with God the Father he will follow the ways of the Lord in all he does.

Such a child will grow into an adult who will be a benefit not only to the kingdom of God but to all around him. And, such a person will also enjoy eternal life in the presence of the Holy Trinity.

That in a nut shell is the definition of a good father and the essence of what a good father would do to guide his children into living a righteous life.

So … WHAT is NOT a good father?

First of all let’s look at the educational system in America.

The educational system in America is NOT a good father.

If you expect the public educational system to be an adequate replacement for the duties of a father you would be gravely mistaken.

The educational system in America cannot be a good father because it is not a father at all and it never was intended by the Lord to be a father.

Sadly, many have relegated such upbringing to the educational system.

Now, listen carefully. I am NOT saying that all educators are taking children and teaching them ideas that will harden their hearts toward God. I am absolutely, positively NOT saying that in any sense whatsoever.

I thank God every day that we have truly born again Christians teaching in every level of our educational system. May the Lord bless them and may their numbers increase!

But, if we think for a moment that our children can go through thirteen years of the local school system without coming under the influence of multiple teachers who despise the Lord then we are, once again, gravely mistaken.

And, those teachers who despise the Lord and His church will do their very best to bend the children to their way of thinking and will, at the same time, attempt to keep the parents from finding this out.

I wonder … do the parents of the children who attend the Pioneer School system know if the book, “Heather Has Two Mommies” is being read to their kindergarten students?

One website boasted the following, “June is LGBTQ Pride Month, celebrated in classrooms and communities around the world. It's a great time to include LGBTQ themes and history into your curriculum, helping LGBTQ students feel safer and more affirmed.

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