
Summary: Non-denominationalism only divided us more then we ever were before. If satan's kingdom cannot stand if divided against itself how can the House of God stand when we are so divided? We say we are one Body, but we look like a body hit by an explosion.

Mark 3:24  And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 

25  And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. 

1 Corinthians 12:12  For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. 

What if we started looking for churches where we could unite to work for the King rather than look for a church that appeals to our flesh or makes us comfortable. Where does it say we are saved to be comfortable? We are dying in our safe zone. Where does God ordain consumer Christianity. It is not Burger King where it is all about having it our way!

What if we closed some churches instead of keeping them in ICU? Why do we keep making more or splitting? We are going to the same Heaven so why cannot people of like faith meet in the same building and work in the same community?

The devil believes in divide and conquer and we have fallen for that tactic and haven even called it the way to promote growth. We waste money and manpower on unnecessary buildings, utilities, insurances and infrastructure upkeep when all buildings will be burned up in the end.

We opine that we do not have enough funds for missionaries or for the poor. We decry the fact that we do not have enough manpower to do some things. If there was one church of the same denomination per town there would be plenty of money and definitely more manpower. We are sorry stewards of His funds and gifts because we are bullheaded and carnal rather than full of the Spirit who calls us into all truth and to being one with Him and each other.

What if we realized that in God's Kingdom there is no retirement until we are dead and even there will be doing something not sitting on a cloud playing a harp. Job descriptions may change, but there is a place in the Body that needs us until our last breath.

What if we really believed in Hell and sought to win people rather than just enjoy church services and fellowships? What if we truly learned sound doctrine and rebuked the false rather than living in a demonic peaceful coexistence because we do not want to rock any boats or lose any friends?

What if we dumped dead traditions and treasured truth more than them? What if we sought to live like 1st Century Christians not counting our lives as our own serving even if it means persecution or death? What kind of changes would be see in ourselves, family, church, community, country and the world? What if we cast off the mundane redundant life and truly sought the abundant life? What if that is what Christ is waiting for us to do before He comes?

What if your loved one is waiting for you to be real before they are saved? What if it is time for us to practice extreme Christianity instead of extreme sports? What if we need to be more Spirit driven than Purpose driven? What if the revival starts with you or me? What if?

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