
Summary: Walking on Water or staying on the boat what are you focusing on. Faith. Are you trusting Christ or are you taking your eyes off of HIM?

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What Have you Fixed Eyes Upon

Matthew 14: 28-33

In the Verses three words stick out

COME- in the present tense, come NOW

SAVE- (lord save me) delivers or protect

DOUBT- to weaver- to stand in two ways

The more we believe = less doubt

We must go forth to meet him in a way of duty



Info about the Sea of Galilee

Pear shaped

14 Miles Long, 8 Miles Wide

About 2/3rd of Jesus’ Ministry was done near the sea


This Storm was dreadful

The disciples thought he was a Ghost

4th Watch is about 3 am


i. Faith doesn’t say, "if"; faith says because.

ii. Illustration: Two thieves on the Cross-. One said, "If thou be the Christ, save thyself and us, too." The other said, "Lord, remember me."

iii. This is not the first time Peter got Special Treatment he got special treatment 3 times

iv. The Pharisees asked for a signed but they were trying to temp Jesus but Peter was asking because he trusted Christ


i. Peter “Let me come to the no matter what” he desired to be with Christ

ii. Jesus could have told Peter that he was crazy for wanting to come to him

iii. Peter did not go to Jesus till Jesus told him to “COME”

iv. Peter was the ONLY one to get out the rest stayed in

v. Peter only went after Jesus told him it was ok

We should not do anything till Christ tells us to do it


i. We must be willing to venture with him & for him we must be willing to go to him


i. Peter had enough faith to get out of the boat but didn’t have enough faith to make to Jesus because he got distracted or sidetracked by the things going on

ii. The Lord is not pleased with WEAK FAITH

iii. We must stop using our earthly props example:

iv. Faith of a Muster Seed (__________)



i. Our Faith will be tried

ii. You got to get out of the boat if your going to walk in the water

iii. Christ had Mercy on Peter Christ will also have mercy on us

iv. Effect of Fear you begin to sink

v. Peter a Fisherman he could swim very well and he was still afraid

vi. A person is NEVER sunk, NEVER undone till they are in hell

vii. When faith is WEAK prayer should be STRONG “LORD SAVE ME”

viii. Then Immediately Christ Stretched his hand out to save him


i. Peter was still in the storm when Jesus asked him about his doubt

ii. Every time we (CHRISTIANS) go through a storm and fail we should hear “ye of little faith why do you doubt”.

iii. Jesus’ tenderness is very manifested “He will not break to brushed reed”

iv. If Peter’s faith is “LITTLE” What is our faith like??? Verse 31


i. Peter walked back to the boat with Jesus: Calm, Relaxed, NO FEAR while the storm was still blowing/

ii. The apostles worshipped him this is the first time the DISIPLES called by his full title The Son of God

iii. Christ’s hand is STILL stretched out to ALL believers to keep them form sinking


As Children bring their broken toys

With tears for us to mend,

I brought my broken dreams to God,

Because He was my friend.

But then, instead of leaving Him

In peace, to work alone,

I hung around and tried to help

In ways that were my own.

Finally I took them back and said,

“Dear God, Why are you so slow?”

“My child,” He said, “what could I do?

You never did let go.”

Storms will come because you’re in that ship. When you jump ship the odds are against you but if you have Jesus the odds are on Jesus side. He never fails he’s always there

Even though Peter took his eyes off Jesus, Jesus never took his eyes off Peter. And, when Peter began to sink and drown, Jesus immediately grabbed Peter’s hand and pulled him to safety next t him. Some time or another, you and I are going to take our eyes off of Jesus—we are going to go through a crisis that causes us to take our eyes off Jesus, but Jesus will not take his eyes off us! Jesus will not let the wind or the waves of crisis get the better of us! Jesus is quick to save us even if we have a lapse in our faith in him!

But that is just the way Jesus is! Jesus is

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