
Summary: Scripture plainly states that salvation is of the LORD (Psalm 3:8; Isaiah 12:2; Hebrews 5:9) and that we have absolutely no power in and of ourselves to say or do otherwise. This teaching is not popular nor welcome today, but must be proclaimed regardless of what we think, say, or do.

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What I am about to say will not be welcome in many of the pulpits of America today and certainly will not be offered as the solution to the ills, sins, and woes facing our nation and the world today. All of the talk we have heard from "experts", "scholars", "specialists" and "world figures" who have tried in vain to provide this fallen world with a viable answer as to why America and the rest of us seem to continually wallow in the same old moral cesspools in which our ancestors waded and swam never seems to improve or change. For some unexplainable reason, we prefer the stench of self-reliance and cater like sycophants to the whims and demands of fickle causes and trends, deliberately choosing to avoid, ridicule, and demean the only available and trustworthy answer which is to adhere to the teachings and counsel of Almighty God and His Holy Word, the Bible. The sensibility of God makes no sense to the reprobate minds running the place who prefer to keep the status quo well-fed and satisfied with what they deem normal and sound.

I expect this behavior from fallen humanity who has chosen to reject the leadership of the Sovereign LORD of Creation, but the trouble is that far too many "churches", "pastors", and spiritual leaders have decided to go down the same dark path, turning to topics and stories that "tickle ears" and "please the ears" of those sitting in the pews hungering not for the truth of the Scripture, but to appease and welcome those who have bowed the knee to modern thinking with the desire not to be called 'Intolerant" or other names from groups who are opposed to the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for our sins on the cross, and that He is the ONLY way to peace with God the Father and the only means by which our sinful souls can escape the reality and certainty of an eternal hell. America has bowed the knee to the groups and causes who demand we be "tolerant" of their sinful behaviors and openly welcome them into the house of God, yet not be told to repent of their wickedness, change their ways, to learn and obey the Word of God, and to submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and to follow Him regardless of what they "think" or "feel" (Luke 14:25-35; Romans 1:18-32, 3:10-18; 2 Corinthians 6:2; Philippians 2:5-11; 2 Timothy 3:1-3, 4:1-5; Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 20:11-15).

The church of the Lord Jesus Christ was established to rescue sinners from hell and destruction, to show the world, the flesh, and the devil that He is triumphant and that the plans and will of the Sovereign LORD will be implemented for eternity, that the forces of evil will be judged, punished, and cast away forever in hell, to instruct the believers in the Word, to witness for the LORD in the world, to be light and salt in a corrupt world, and to re-establish the Paradise that had been lost and to make all things new (Matthew 16:18-19, 28:18-20; Acts 20:28; Ephesians 4:12, 5:22-32; 2 Timothy 2:1-2; Hebrews 10:25; 1 Peter 5:2; Revelation 21:5). There is not an ounce of "me", "my", "our" "we" or "I" when it comes to the establishment, structure, order, and purpose of the house of God on earth. Our salvation, mercy, grace, and redemption are totally and exclusively the design, plan, and will of Almighty God. He is not "fortunate to have us", He has never asked us for our advice or counsel on how to redeem us from our sins, He does not seek our input on bringing world affairs to a conclusion, He does not need the wisdom of fallen humanity to aid Him in His sovereign will, and He has not put us in a place where we can have anything to do with making ourselves righteous, worthy, clean, renewed, or saved from sin in our own power or means (Matthew 11:28-30; John 20:28-31; Acts 4:12; Romans 5:6-11; Ephesians 2:8-9; Hebrews 7:25).

Almighty God has made salvation and deliverance from sin possible by HIS OWN MEANS AND BY HIS OWN POWER (Deuteronomy 9:4-6). What He has NOT made possible is providing our a way to save ourselves apart from Him. The Scriptures teach that our works and attempts at self-righteousness is of not profit to us (Isaiah 57:12), a waste of time, as it were. Our righteousness apart from God's mercy is no better than the filthy rag of a leper or menstrual period and is in itself an offense to the saving work of God done on our behalf (Isaiah 64:6, 65:5). Jesus rebuked the self-righteous hypocritical Pharisees for their external piety yet whose righteousness was no better than a dirty drinking cup or rotting corpse in a whitened tomb (Matthew 23:25-28). All talk of righteousness in our own strength apart from the intervention of the LORD is nothing more than vain boasting (Luke 18:11-12). Any part on our behalf to "get right with God' apart from the saving work of Jesus Christ done for us on the cross is totally insufficient (Philippians 3:4-9).

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