
Summary: Habitual Sins that continue to come up in our lives. How do I overcome those things? The sermon points us in the right direction.

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What Do I do about Habitual Sins?

Romans 8:1-17


Subject: What I’m talking about is The Fight with the Flesh.

Compliment: How Can We Overcome Sin Tendencies in our life?

In Romans 7:14-25 98% of the text describes Paul the Apostles struggle with sin. Instead of depressing us this should encourage us because Paul faced the same daily battle in his mind, will and emotions that you and I face – and he was used to write 2/3 or the N.T.!

We’ll first have to understand the problem each and every one of us struggles with each and every day – Our Flesh.

Flesh is our nature while here on Earth. It is developed within us by the ways we tried to meet our needs out of our own resources

Often, as Christians, when we think of “the flesh” we think in terms of the Results of living after the flesh.

Galatians 5:19-21, (NLT) 19When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, 20idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, 21envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

To Sum up what the flesh is: It is all of the habit patterns that we have developed over the years . It is the Self-Life. It is how I handle things without the Spirit’s direction in my life.

We are dealing with the subject of “How to conquer Secret Sins--Habitual SINS!

IN Romans 8 is God’s direction for us on how to be free from these sins.

As we study this chapter – we will discover that the emphasis is upon the Holy Spirit, who is mentioned 19 times.

So, it stands to reason, that in order to live a life free from old habit patterns and sins that try to enslave us – We must have a dependence upon the Ministry of the Holy Spirit who was sent by Jesus to help us live a overcoming life.

II Cor 3:17 tells us “ Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty!”


[ Understanding Sequence ]

Q – Why is it a problem for us to gain victory over various sin Habits we might have?

A – The answer invariably lies in one word CONTROL – who do we want to be in control of our life.

We really only have 3 options in this area:


We choose who will be in control over our Mind – Will and Emotions by the daily decisions we make.

How Can I Overcome Sin Tendencies in My Life?

Whether its Worry, Fear, Lust, Overspending, Anger, Control, Doubts about God or the like…Romans 8 shows us Steps we can take to break our Sin Bents.

I. Don’t Allow Your Habits to Direct You Anymore

Romans 1:1

[Amp] “ And walk not after the dictates of the Flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit.”

A. The word picture Paul uses here is that of a Army officer.

1. Our flesh (our old habits –Our old self without Christ)

would try to dictate to us to follow in the old patterns

a. The old patterns that only led into defeat but here we are told to not walk after those commands – rather to allow the Holy Spirit to dire

B. Just How do we do that?

1. When we notice that we are beginning to live according to the old habit patterns we have developed, in dealing with our problems – We need to STOP and listen for the voice of God and quiet ourselves.

Now – the Flesh doesn’t like this. It takes patience and trust and endurance to stop and listen to God.

1. Your flesh will scream out “ We have got to do something! – Now!” But you will never hear Gods voice when your listening to your own thoughts.

Step 1 in hearing from the Holy Spirit is…

I. To Quiet Ourselves and Listen to the SPIRIT

A. This means that we must quiet our flesh – our tendencies

to try to solve everything our way and not get ahead of

Gods leading.

1. Don’t allow your old habits to direct you anymore – begin to listen to Gods voice when He speaks

II. Stay in Step with the Holy Spirit

How Do I Stay in Step With the Spirit?

• Galations 5:25 “Since we live by the Spirit let us stay in Step with the Spirit” [ NIV]

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