
What Are You Looking For?

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 4, 2023
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To explore the transformative power of Jesus' love and salvation and how it applies to our own journey with Christ.


Good morning, Church! Aren't we all so grateful to be here in the presence of the Lord today? Today, we're going to delve into a beautiful story of transformation found in the gospel of Luke. It's a story that captures the essence of our search for fulfillment, our encounter with Jesus, and the transformation that follows. Corrie ten Boom, a well-known Christian author, once said, "There is no pit so deep, that God’s love is not deeper still" – a quote that so powerfully resonates with today's sermon.

In the story of Zacchaeus, we see a man who, despite his wealth and position, was on a quest for something more - a search for fulfillment. This search is not unique to Zacchaeus; it is a universal human experience. We all, in our own ways, are searching for something more, something deeper, something that will give our lives meaning and purpose.

Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector, a position that came with wealth and power. Yet, he was not satisfied. His wealth and power did not bring him the fulfillment he desired. This is a common experience in our world today. Many people spend their lives chasing after wealth, power, and success, only to find that these things do not bring true fulfillment. They may bring temporary happiness, but they do not satisfy the deep longing within our souls for purpose and meaning.

This longing, this search for fulfillment, is a sign of our innate desire for something more, something beyond this world. It is a sign of our longing for God. As St. Augustine famously said, "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you." We are created for a relationship with God, and our hearts will not find true fulfillment until they find it in Him.

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The search for fulfillment can take many forms. For some, it may be a quest for knowledge, a desire to understand the world and our place in it. For others, it may be a search for love and acceptance, a desire to be known and loved for who we truly are. For still others, it may be a search for purpose, a desire to make a difference in the world.

Yet, no matter what form our search takes, it ultimately leads us to the same place: a need for a relationship with God. This is what Zacchaeus discovered when he encountered Jesus. Despite his wealth and power, Zacchaeus was not fulfilled until he encountered Jesus and entered into a relationship with Him.

The search for fulfillment is not easy. It often involves struggle and hardship. We may face obstacles and challenges along the way. We may experience disappointment and heartbreak. Yet, these struggles are not in vain. They are part of our journey towards God. They are part of our process of transformation.

In our search for fulfillment, we may also encounter resistance from others. Zacchaeus faced criticism and judgment from those who saw him as a sinner. Yet, he did not let this deter him from his search. He was willing to face the criticism and judgment of others in order to find the fulfillment he was seeking in Jesus.

The Encounter with Jesus

Zacchaeus was not well-liked by his community due to his profession ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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