
Summary: Our modern world is confusing and at times bewildering. People wander about not really knowing what to do or where to turn. This sermon addresses that need.

What Are You Looking For? John 1: 29 - 42

Intro: Ever feel like you are wandering in the wilderness of this world and feel lost? – Don’t know what you are looking for you just know you haven’t found it. – John and his followers were searching.

I. Verses 29 – 31 – “Look, the Lamb of God, . . . I myself did not know him,” – this is John’s cousin and he doesn’t know him?

A. Two levels of knowing here – knowing with the head and knowing with the heart.

B. John now knew with his head and his heart – he knew that he might lose followers but that wasn’t important.

C. My piano student, Myra was so talented that I referred to someone else because I had done all for her that I could.

II. Verses 35 – 37 – “When the 2 disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus.”

A. Abandon John to follow Jesus. – they were obviously searching for something. But what?

B. Verse 38 – “Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, ‘What do you want?’”

1) legalist seeking details of law

2) place in life / power

3) seeking God

4) puzzled / bewildered

C. Their answer is simple – Verse 38b – “Where are you staying?” linger / learn

III. And what about you!!! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? --- Why are you here?

A. Looking for wealth / security / “It’s good for business.”

B. Power / prominence / prestige / “I’ve lost control everywhere else in my life. The one thing I can control and keep from changing is the church.”

C. Answers – “tell me what to do, I will do it.” --- WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?

Conclu: What you can have is a relationship with the risen Christ. Christ comes to us in the Holy Spirit and offers us a way of life unlike any other. Verse 41 – “We have found the Messiah” – God does not provide answer. God provides a loving relationship that governs the way we live.

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