What Are You Looking For? John 1: 29 - 42
Intro: Ever feel like you are wandering in the wilderness of this world and feel lost? – Don’t know what you are looking for you just know you haven’t found it. – John and his followers were searching.
I. Verses 29 – 31 – “Look, the Lamb of God, . . . I myself did not know him,” – this is John’s cousin and he doesn’t know him?
A. Two levels of knowing here – knowing with the head and knowing with the heart.
B. John now knew with his head and his heart – he knew that he might lose followers but that wasn’t important.
C. My piano student, Myra was so talented that I referred to someone else because I had done all for her that I could.
II. Verses 35 – 37 – “When the 2 disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus.”
A. Abandon John to follow Jesus. – they were obviously searching for something. But what?
B. Verse 38 – “Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, ‘What do you want?’”
1) legalist seeking details of law
2) place in life / power
3) seeking God
4) puzzled / bewildered
C. Their answer is simple – Verse 38b – “Where are you staying?” linger / learn
III. And what about you!!! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? --- Why are you here?
A. Looking for wealth / security / “It’s good for business.”
B. Power / prominence / prestige / “I’ve lost control everywhere else in my life. The one thing I can control and keep from changing is the church.”
C. Answers – “tell me what to do, I will do it.” --- WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?
Conclu: What you can have is a relationship with the risen Christ. Christ comes to us in the Holy Spirit and offers us a way of life unlike any other. Verse 41 – “We have found the Messiah” – God does not provide answer. God provides a loving relationship that governs the way we live.