
Summary: What does God expect us to do with what Heaven has given us? Do we take risks using our gifts or hide them for safekeeping? Why hasn’t God given to us all equally?

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What does God expect us to do with what Heaven has given us? Do we take risks using our gifts or hide them for safekeeping? Why hasn’t God given to us all equally?

Purpose: Let’s see what God expects us to do with our gifts.

Plan: Let’s look at the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30.

Matthew 25:15 Talents

Why does God not give to everyone equally? In Matthew 25:15 we read that a man gave to his employees unequal amounts, “to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one.” It may be helpful to understand that all human systems are capitalist. Even atheistic Communism is a form of capitalism, whereby party members make capital on the rest. In any system, greed and oppressing the poor are not righteous capitalism. The talents in the parable are spiritual capital. Kingdom capital should be used to show love. Those who are given the most are expected to produce the most spiritually in loving God and our neighbors.

What is a talent? In Matthew 25:15 we read of an employer about to leave on a long journey, who entrusted talents to different employees, “to each according to his own ability.” A talent was a weight of gold or silver. The Athenian or Attic talent was once about 26 kilogram (57 pounds) weight of silver. Today’s spot silver price is about $545 per kilogram, a little over $14,000 for a talent. Another way to measure a talent was about fifteen year’s wages. If this year’s average household income is $60,000 then a talent could be $900,000. Even the one talent guy was entrusted with great responsibility.

Matthew 25:16 A Divine Obligation

What does God require of those with the most? In Matthew 25:16 we read that, “he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents.” Wealth is on loan to us from God. Those with the most also have the greatest capacity for doing good or evil. Material and spiritual wealth bring with them greater responsibility. Who among us has been given the greatest talents, wealth, abilities or spiritual gifts? How much more can such people show God’s love? To whom much is given much is required (Luke 12:41-48). Whether they be spiritual or material talents, their purpose is to love others.

Matthew 25:18 A Low Risk Investment

Is all gambling wrong? In Matthew 25:18 employees were given five, two and one talents to invest, “But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money.” He didn’t want to take a gamble. Farmers, job-hunters and entrepreneurs all take calculated risks. There are stupid gambles where the odds are terrible, like state lotteries, most Casino games and jumping into business with inadequate preparation. There are also calculated gambles, like starting a business after thorough preparation, interest on savings or planting a crop. Jesus took a calculated gamble in us. One man took the safe route and buried the money entrusted to him.

Matthew 25:20-23 Equality

What does God say about equality? Is equal pay for lazy and diligent workers fair? Is it right to base pay upon ability, diligence and results? In Matthew 25:20-23 we find that God invests in us differently. Yet those who do well are told the same words, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.” Bible passages indicate a double share of inheritance for firstborns (Deuteronomy 21:17) and a double honorarium or pay for diligent preachers (1 Timothy 5:17). None of these indicate God’s support for gross excesses.

Here are questions for discussion: Is heaven a society of equals or different abilities and levels of responsibility? If the spiritually productive are good and faithful, are the spiritually unproductive lazy and evil? Is the safe route sometimes a road to failure? Does fear often produce failure? Does faithfulness in small things lead to greater things and does unfaithfulness bring failure? Should we waste time criticizing a boss as too hard, or just get on with the job? Do spiritually successful people just get down to work? Do those who produce more deserve more? Does the extra talent awarded to the most successful promote greed or their greater capacity to love?

Matthew 25:25 Risky Christianity

Does God expect us to take risks? In Matthew 25:25 a man who was given money to invest, confessed, “I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground.” A common practice in ancient times, before banking became common, was to bury money in the ground. It was a safer route. Jesus does not want us to take the safe route with His investment in us. It is a risk to share the Gospel with others. They may hate us, abandon us or believe and be saved. Jesus is not meant to be buried but shared. He wants us to take risks and grow Heaven’s investment in us.

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