
Summary: It is easy to be hurt and offended and desire to quit. We cannot afford to quit.

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By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr.


Colossians 4:17 Archippus, "Take heed to your ministry .... that you finish it


2 Cor. 4: 16 For which cause we faint not; though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed daily.

I ponder us allowing Satan to limit what we are doing?

Take the saddle off your back, quit giving the enemy a free ride?

Under your feet is where he belongs, not on your back. Control your emotions, or they will control you?

Control your tongue, or it will play games with your emotions?

Who was Archippus?

What was Archippus’ work?

The old preacher pens the words to Archippus,

remember: what you calling is, and make sure to finish what God has directed you to do.

Many know how to start, few learn to finish with zeal.

Are you one that finishes with the same excitement you started, or do you get luke warm?

Is the pastor waiting on you?

God looks not for perfection, but willingness and effort.

You can if you want to --- ? Do you want to --- ?

God will pull you through if you can stand the pull. Your excuses are useless.

Dead fish can swim down stream, fight the current my friend. God honors effort.

Ponder some of the men God chose to be His men?

Why expect perfection, this becomes a saddle that limits how we see others, and how we see ourselves?

Moses killed a man, stuttered, and in anger hit the rock.

Joshua had to follow in Moses’ shoes.

Jacob was a cheater, known as the subplanter.

Gideon offered excuses.

David had a sexual affair and Saul’s armor didn’t fit.

John Mark was rejected by Paul.

Timothy was a young kid minister without experience.

James and John were known for temper and lack of mercy.

James, Jesus brother, did not accept Jesus until after the cross.

Hosea’s wife, had a bad name, she was a lady given to sexual lust.

Amos was not polished, the only training was in the school of tree pruning.

Jacob was a liar and deceiver.

Solomon lived without balance, his excessiveness is well know, he was a man of wisdom and of foolishness.

Daniel was a slave in captivity.

Jesus owned no property, and had no throne, and he was from a no where town.

Abraham lied and had a dysfunctional family, besides this he was old.

Sarah laughed at God’s plan and then lied about laughing.

Eli’s son’s were dishonest and used their office of service for self benefit.

Saul was rebellious and impatient.

David had better looking brothers.

Peter was a big mouth and even rebuked Jesus.

Lazarus was dead and stinking.

Seems God sees beyond failure.

Balaam was willing to sell his ministry for fame.

John was self-righteous.

Esther was a beauty queen.

Naomi was a widow.

Paul was a murderer, so was Moses.

Jonah was reluctant, he ran from God, and he had a temper problem.

Mephibosheth was crippled.

Seems God sees beyond failure and disappointments.

Miriam was bitter, she was a gossip and sowed discord against the man of God.

Thomas will forever be known as the doubter.

Seems God sees beyond failure and disappointments, if yoy refuse to quit.

Jeremiah was a bullfrog (just kidding); he was depressed and suicidal.

Elijah was burned out, he ran for his life then prayed to die?

John the Baptist a poor dresser, very honest, and told the truth,

like it or not, he got out of jail head first?

Seems God sees beyond failure and disappointments, if you refuse to quit.

Martha was a worrywart.

Mary may have been lazy.

Samson had long hair.

Noah built an altar and got drunk.

Did I mention that Moses had a short fuse?

So did Peter, Paul - well, lots of folks did.

Seems God sees beyond failure and disappointments, if you refuse to quit.

God used all these less than perfect people.

People must not give the enemy a saddle to wear.

So you failed? So? Try again!

So your friend is less than ideal? Jesus uses people.

Seems God sees beyond failure and disappointments, if you refuse to quit.

But God doesn’t require people to be perfect and fit into religious molds.

He doesn’t see people as most people see people.

He looks beyond ---

God is not the Big Daddy in the sky?

God doesn’t measure by budget and look at profits, gains or looks.

God has no favorites, and gender gaps mean nothing to him. God does not look on the outside.

His ways are not limited by what man expects and demands.

God has grace and mercy. God does not hold past mistakes as a hammer to knock you down.

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