We Can Make A Difference, Are We?
Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Dec 3, 2012 (message contributor)
Summary: The only thing that’s going to matter when we stand before Him, is what we do for the Lord and the building up of His Kingdom, while were here on this earth, it’s time to get busy!
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We Can Make a Difference….. But Are We?
Its 23 days until we celebrate The Birth of our Lord and Savior,
Here we are, right in between 2 of 3, of the most important dates on the calendar, Christmas and Thanksgiving.
As Andy williams says;
It’s the most wonderful time of the year
With the kids jingle belling
And everyone telling you "Be of good cheer"
It’s the most wonderful time of the year
You know coming off of Thanksgiving, we should be realizing how much we truly do have to be thankful for,
Were fast tracking towards Christmas, the real reason, we have anything to be thankful for in the first place,
Jesus certainly is the reason for the season, for every season, for everything we hold dear in life.
Christmas, Its all about Him, but the closer we get to His Birthday, for some, the less it becomes about Him and the more it becomes about them,
What do you want, I don’t know, what do you want, I don’t know, what do you want???
that’s how it usually goes, unless you’re a little child, then there’s no problem presenting your want or wish list.
I want this and this and this and a big one of those and a, and a, and a!
I wonder what Jesus, would like to have for His birthday? Many more brothers and sisters, would be at the top of His list!
I reminded of a song, I’ve heard before on the radio called; I want to talk about me.
It goes like this;
I wanna talk about me,
Wanna talk about I,
Wanna talk about number one Oh my me my,
What I think,
what I like,
what I know,
what I want,
what I see,
I like talking about you, you, you, you, usually, but occasionally I wanna talk about me,
I’’ve often thought it could be a Christian song, from the Lord’s perspective;
We spend an awful lot of time talking about ourselves in our lifetime and making our pray requests, all 397 million of them known to the Lord,
And that’s biblical, cause TBS. in
Matthew 7:7 NKJ to Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking
7. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
But do you wonder if the Lord ever thinks to Himself, like that song suggest?
I like talking about you, you, you, you, usually, but occasionally, Why don’t you talk about me
After all, that’s the first thing the Shepherds did after they left the manger,
Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere, Go tell it on the mountains, that Jesus Christ is Born.
That’s what those who were there with Jesus at His ascension, when the great commission was given, did!
They went and told!
That’s what almost every person in the Bible, who Jesus ever healed did!
They went and told, what He had done for them!
In fact, there were times He even told them not to tell, and they told everyone they knew anyways!
That’s why He was thronged everywhere that He went by so many, to be healed in the first place,
And He healed so many and did so many miracles and things, that it says in;
John 21:25 MSG.
25. There are so many other things Jesus did. If they were all written down, each of them, one by one, I can’t imagine a world big enough to hold such a library of books.
Jesus, was and is and will always be a giver, He is the Gift that keeps on Giving!
It used to be that people couldn’t wait to tell what Jesus was capable of and what He had done for them,
Instead of the entitlement mentality of the world nowadays, what have you done for me lately?
Its no wonder the world is in the moral decline and the sorry state, it is in!
It seems like anymore, they believe He exists, but no one wants to tell people about Jesus and where they can find the hope, they so desperately need!
It seems as though, no one wants to serve the Lord and give back of what they have been given!
Serving and Giving to the Lord, of not only your time, but of your resources as well, is a Great Privilege.
We all need to strive to make it more about Him, and less about us in our lives!
Its easy to get caught up in everything else in life and all it has to offer.
But the only thing that matters, that really matters in this life,
The only thing that’s going to matter when we stand before Him,
is what we do for the Lord and the building up of His Kingdom, while were here on this earth.