
Summary: If you are a Christian this morning, you are a Warrior. If you are not a full believer this morning, I want to tell you that Warriors are Wanted in God's Army. Here is what God is needing from His warriors!

Scripture Reference: 2 Timothy 2:1-4

Preached at Mount Zion Baptist Church on October 25, 2020

Delivered by Rev. John Daniel Johnson


A young girl and her mother prepared for a wonderful day together at church. All along the ride, the young girl sang to the top of her lungs worship songs. She was so excited about coming to church on this particular day. As they drove into the church parking lot, the young girl began starting and dozens of American flags that were flying near the front door of the church. Finally, the young girl could not hold her questioning back any longer and asked her mother why so many flags were flying outside of the church.

The mother replied to her daughter, “Each one of those flags represent someone who was in the service, but has died.” The little girl stared at the waving flags and began to tear up. Then she asked her mother one more question. She asked, “Mommy, did those people die in the Sunday Service or the Wednesday Service?”


If you are a Christian this morning, you are a Warrior.

If you are not a full believer this morning, I want to tell you that Warriors are Wanted.

Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against [e]flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. ~ Ephesians 6:11-12

Read Text

Even today to get into the military, one has to pass an EXAMINATION. Back in the days of the draft, recruits were given one of four classifications at the examination. One of those classifications was “Four-Foxtrot.” If you were given that classification you were considered Unfit for Service.

What Makes One Unfit for Service

A. Fear

B. Failure

Commentary—In today’s text, Paul is giving his last will and testament to his spiritual son, Timothy. Paul is in a Roman jail cell and he is pouring out his last words to Timothy. He encourages Timothy…

? Of the importance of Godly living

? To keep preaching the Word in season and out (whether it is popular or unpopular)

? To prepare for the apostasy that is coming against the church

Transitional Sentence—

In the middle of these last words to Timothy, he encourages him to be a Good Soldier. This morning I want to give us some qualities that God is looking for in a True Warrior.

1. A Soldier is Fit

A. Spiritual fitness starts with the right spiritual food.

B. Spiritual fitness is not complete without exercise - excerise your faith.

C. Spiritual fitness requires discipline

D. Spiritual fitness requires goals and checkups.

2. A Soldier is Focused

3. A Soldier is a Follower

A. His first step is to Enlist.

B. He is to be obedient to the commanders voice.

C. We can’t skip over passages just because we don’t like how it sounds.

4. A Soldier is Faithful

A. Faithful to their king

B. Faithful to do what is right to please the king

5. A Soldier is Familiar

A. Familiar with their commander’s voice

Illustration — One voice that I will never forget will be my Drill Instructor from the US Army. I was so familiar with his voice, and even the sound of his footsteps, I could distinguish him from all others. I was once preaching a revival service in middle-Georgia, and after the service I was outside the front door greeting the people who had ` `been in the worship service. Before I even knew what I was doing, a voice yelled out to me, “Johnson!” I immediately jumped into my Parade Rest position and replied, “Yes, Drill Sergeant.” Ironically, the Drill SGT that had preached to me for ten weeks, had to sit and hear me preach to him for an hour that service.

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28 and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.” ~ John 10:27-28

B. Familiar with their weapon

C. Familiar with their enemy

6. A Soldier is a Fighter

Illustration—a couple weeks ago, I was talking to a few ROTC recruits at the University. I got to asking them what their profession was going to be in the military. One of the guys responded, “I’m going to be an officer over transportation. To be honest, I just joined to pay for college.” Before I even knew what I had said, I replied, “Then you joined for the wrong reason. You joined to fight for God and for Country.”

7. A Soldier is Finisher

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