Walking With Jesus In Newness Of Life Series
Contributed by Charles Salmon on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: New life in Christ: how it is acquired, what it offers, and what are its evidences.
Walking with Jesus in Newness of Life Rom. 6:1-9
INTRO.: there is a distinctive life style for the Christian; a “Christian walk”, if you will. Col 2:6. “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him,” It is different from the way the world lives. Eph 4:17 “you must no longer live as the Gentiles do”
God offers us a new life, a fresh start through the blood of Jesus. I Cor. 5:17.
Let’s answer three questions about this new life: How do we get it? Why should we want it? And How do we show we have it?
I. How is the new life acquired?
A. Let’s consider the visit of Nicodemus to Jesus: John 3:1-5
1. Jesus tells him a new birth is required.
2. This primarily expresses the thoroughness of true conversion.
3. It is really what we need. The old life has been ruined by sin.
B. But, what is the meaning? How can one be born again? Jesus answers the question:
1. “Water and spirit” are the essential elements.
2. Every time water and spirit are connected in the NT, it involves Christian baptism. I.e.: Acts 2:38.
3. I Cor. 12:13 - “For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body”
4. In response to God’s Word, given by His Spirit, we obey Him in baptism, then we receive the indwelling gift of the Holy Spirit.
C. The grace of God makes this possible:
1. We neither earn nor merit salvation. Eph. 2:8
2. Romans 6:3-5 shows baptism is a re-enactment of Jesus’ death, burial, & resurrection.
3. Both God’s grace and our obedience are required to bring about a resurrection to new life.
II. What does this new life offer?
A. Freedom from sin:
1. Rom. 6:6 - the “old man” is crucified.
2. This means we are dead to sin. Rom. 6:11
3. So, as a servant of Jesus. You must not live any longer in sin. Rom. 6:12, 13.
4. God can not only deliver us from sin, but can help us overcome the power of sin.
B. Freedom from death:
1. Jesus never died again. Rom. 6:9
2. We share in His life. I John 5:11, 12
3. As the body lives in the air, not in water, space, or ground, so the Spirit lives “in Christ” not in sin or in the world.
4. Sin will kill you forever. Jesus can give you life.
C. Fellowship with Jesus in the Kingdom of God:
1. The one who is in Christ is the servant of Christ.
2. We will serve either God or the world. There is no absolute freedom. I would rather serve God.
3. If we serve Jesus we become part of the family of God.
III. How can you show you have been raised from the dead? Three things give proof of Jesus resurrection and show we’ve been raised from the dead. (Dennis Fulton in “Are You Alive and Can You Prove It?” published in Restoration Herald.)
A. The empty tomb:
1. The testimony regarding Jesus. Matt. 28:6
2. Christians should not try to live among the dead. Luke 24:5
3. God calls us to come out of the living death of sin and guilt into His Presence.
4. If we are still in the same place doing the same things, we are still “among the dead” and our tomb is not empty.
B. The “grave clothes” John 20:5-7
1. ILLUS.: Demas “loved this world.” Some claim to be Christian yet cling to the things of this world.
2. There are certain habits and activities that bind us to this world.
3. If we are still bound by the world, it is hard to convince others we are alive in Christ.
C. Personal appearances:
1. Christ’s personal appearances were undeniable proof. I Cor. 15:1-8
2. Do your personal appearances speak for or against Jesus?
3. Do those who see us see Jesus and are they convinced of our new life in Him?
CONC.: The prodigal son experienced the new life of which we are speaking. Luke 15:24. We are also dead in sin until we return to the Heavenly Father.